Chapter 1: Introduction: The Power of Re-framing
Chapter 3: Getting Organized
Chapter 5: Organizing Groups and Teams
Chapters 6 & 7: People/Organizations & Improving Human Resource Management
Chapter 8: Interpersonal & Group Dynamics

Within the _______________ framework, coalitions form around specific interests and change as issues come and go.

a. political

b. human resource

c. symbolic

d. structural

e. psychic prison



Michael knows his ideas are outside of what is expected, but he believes it’s the best way to receive the promotion. This is an example of ___.

a) sub-optimization

b) optimization

c) sub-maximization

d) degradation

a) sub-optimization


The buck stops with Stephanie. The members of her team have their assigned tasks and if they have questions, she is the point person and will make the final decision. This is an example of what type of team configuration?

a) all-channel network

b) circle network

c) one boss

d) simple hierarchy

c) one boss


Which of the following statements is a core assumption of the human resource frame?

a) Human resources are meant to serve the needs of the organization.

b) When the fit between organization and person is poor, one or both suffer.

c) Workers should have no expectation outside of a paycheck.

d) Employees are expected to work hard and follow the hierarchy of the organizational structure.

b) When the fit between organization and person is poor, one or both suffer.


Workplace problems with clearly defined and known solutions are ______.

A. biological challenges

B. adaptive challenges

C. technical challenges

D. psychodynamic challenges

C. technical challenges


Which answer describes the human resources framework?

a. The family perspective, rooted in psychology.

b. The jungle perspective, rooted in political science.

c. The carnival perspective, rooted in culture and symbols.

d. The rational perspective, rooted in sociology and economics.

The family perspective, rooted in psychology.


Which of the following is a keystone of organizational structure?

a) job descriptions

b) procedure manuals

c) the allocation of tasks

d) All of the choices are correct.

d) All of the choices are correct.


Edward is frustrated. He needs a decision from his supervisor who has to consult with the regional director, but the regional director is tied up with crises facing two of his other teams. The delay is putting Edward’s team behind schedule. This is an example of what type of team configuration?

a) circle network

b) simple hierarchy

c) dual authority

d) one boss

b) simple hierarchy


Studies have shown that employee participation can increase:

a) morale but not productivity.

b) productivity but not morale.

c) neither productivity nor morale.

d) productivity and morale.

d) productivity and morale.


Groups operate on two levels: an overt, conscious level focused on __________ and a more implicit level of __________.

a) process; task

b) emotions; cognition

c) cognition; emotions

d) task; process

d) task; process


If organizations exist to achieve specific goals, then they are MOST effective when:

a. goals and policies are clear.

b. they play the game better than their opponents.

c. people with character disorders are fired.

d. protocols are in place to address every possibility.

a. goals and policies are clear.


Why must structural design be differentiated before it is integrated?

a) Without a clearly defined hierarchy, reporting structures cannot be implemented.

b) Without an understanding of what needs to be done, who does the work cannot be determined.

c) Without self-prioritization, there is no opportunity for individuals to advance within the hierarchy.

d) None of the choices is correct.

a) Without a clearly defined hierarchy, reporting structures cannot be implemented.


7. Adaptive leadership is a unique kind of leadership in that ______.

A. it focuses on the leader’s behaviors as a reflection of the followers

B. it focuses on the dynamics of mobilizing people to address change

C. it describes the process of rewards and punishments used in leadership

D. it describes the transformational processes in complex organizations

B. it focuses on the dynamics of mobilizing people to address change


Louis was dismayed to learn his boss took the credit for the solutions Louis had found to various problems. So, the next time he was asked to address a problem, he left out a few key details. His boss was reprimanded for the errors. This is an example of which of Argyris’s six options?

a) withdrawing psychologically

b) climbing the job ladder

c) influencing others

d) sabotage

d) sabotage


What is the myth of the broken system that causes change initiatives to fail?

a) The organization needs to change because it is broken.

b) The organization needs to change because it is successful but needs to keep up.

c) The organization does not need to change; the people inside like it the way it is.

d) The organization does not need to change; it is aligned to achieve current results.

a) The organization needs to change because it is broken.


How do complex systems make learning difficult? Select all that apply.

a. Feedback is absent, delayed, or misleading.

b. Managers avoid conflict and organizational taboos.

c. Managers and their subordinates have troubled relationships.

d. Tribal knowledge undermines management.

e. Scandals and cover-ups are unavoidable.

How do complex systems make learning difficult? Select all that apply.

a. Feedback is absent, delayed, or misleading.

b. Managers avoid conflict and organizational taboos.

c. Managers and their subordinates have troubled relationships.


Farrah has seen her company grow to include several layers of management and multiple divisions, all clearly focused on achieving their goals. Yet she has noticed areas where work is being duplicated and it is clear there is little inter-departmental communication. Farrah’s first step to address this is to establish what form of lateral coordination?

a) matrix structure

b) meetings

c) networks

d) task force

d) task force


 I am a leader who has identified an adaptive challenge. What do I need to do now?

A. focus attention on the problem and establish collaboration between myself and my followers

B. provide followers with a solution that fits the problem

C. provide followers with a solution that fits the problem and ask them for input

D. focus attention on the solution then share it will the followers

A. focus attention on the problem and establish collaboration between myself and my followers


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on the notion that people are motivated by a variety of wants, some more fundamental than others.  Which of the following are in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?  Select all that apply.

a) esteem needs

b) company needs

c) team needs

d) safety needs

a) esteem needs; d) safety needs


Workplace problems that are clearly defined but do not have straightforward solutions are ______.

A. regulatory challenges

B. adaptive challenges

C. technical challenges

D. combined technical and adaptive challenges

D. combined technical and adaptive challenges


According to Argyris and Schön, why do behaviors designed to promote productive organizational learning actually inhibit deeper learning?

a. Managers cannot face their own fears or defenses.

b. Executives send contradictory signals and pressures.

c. Organizational confusion and weakness is too widespread.

d. Systemic dynamics prevent patterns from emerging.

a. Managers cannot face their own fears or defenses.


1) Which of the following assumptions of the structural frame is FALSE?

a) Organizations succeed only when personal agendas and external influences are minimized and systems are objective.

b) The purpose of the organization must be clearly stated.

c) An organization’s structure must evolve as its goals, technology, and human resources evolve.

d) With an effective organizational structure, there will be no performance-related problems.

d) With an effective organizational structure, there will be no performance-related problems.


Our team has been working on a difficult problem for the past week. As the team leader, I sense that the group has a pretty good idea of the issues surrounding the problem. I share with them that I know they can solve it, and I encourage them to keep thinking about good solutions. I am using primarily which adaptive leadership behavior?

A. identify adaptive challenges

B. regulate distress

C. give the work back to the people

D. maintain disciplined attention

C. give the work back to the people


Kareem has been at his company for a year. At first, he was thrilled with the salary and his work was very interesting, but his boss was always monitoring his work and tended to treat Kareem like an unskilled worker, rather than as a highly trained professional. Eventually, Kareem decided that if his boss was going to treat him like an unskilled worker, then he would act like an unskilled worker and only do the minimum amount of work required. Kareem’s story illustrates what aspect of motivational theory?

a) Douglas McGregor’s Theory X assumption

b) the Esteem stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

c) the Autonomy drive as characterized by Daniel Pink

d) None of the choices is correct.

a) Douglas McGregor’s Theory X assumption


In his book Emotional Intelligence, what basic argument does Daniel Goleman put forth?

a) “Interpersonal competence” is a basic managerial skill.

b) EQ accounts for most of the variance in effectiveness among managers, particularly at the senior level.

c) Individuals with a high ability to understand and appraise others’ emotions are more receptive to changes in their social environments.

d) Individuals with high IQ traits form stronger and more supportive social networks.

b) EQ accounts for most of the variance in effectiveness among managers, particularly at the senior level.