Video Games
Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to
For the Birds
Japanese Mythology
Famous Last Words

Watch out, Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde! This classic 1980s arcade game was inducted into the Guinness Book of Records as the "Most Successful Coin-Operated Game" in 2005.

What is Pac-Man?


Potatoes originate from this mountain range, which passes through multiple South American countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, and Peru.

What are the Andes?


That awkward conversation you have with your parents that also somehow involves apians.

What are the birds and the bees?


A major deity in the Shinto religion and the sun goddess.

Who is Amaterasu?


“I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have,” were the last words uttered by this renowned Renaissance artist and inventor.

Who is Leonardo DaVinci?


This Will Wright created video game series released in 2000 (with sequels in 2004, 2009, and 2014) saw players watching and directing characters to do mundane things like eating, sleeping, and cleaning their houses.

What is The Sims?


Despite its appearance, a potato is typically about 20% solid, 80% this.

What is water?


When you stop indulging in certain addictive substances abruptly and completely.

What is [going] cold turkey?


Konohanasakuya-hime, goddess of Mt. Fuji and all Japanese volcanoes, is symbolized by the cherry blossom, called this in Japanese.

What is sakura?


After helping free hundreds of thousands of slaves, this famed abolitionist sang, "Swing low, sweet chariot," with her family and loved ones while on her deathbed.

Who is Harriet Tubman?


Released in 1999, this was the first video game to prominently feature taking pictures with a camera as the main focus of the game.

What is Pokémon Snap?


It's the largest producer of potatoes by far, accounting for 22% of global production.

What is China?


A final grand gesture done just before retirement or death.

What is a swan song?


It has been suggested that the Ame-no-ukihashi, or the Floating Bridge to Heaven, was inspired by the rainbow or this well-known galaxy.

What is the Milky Way?


This renowned prime minister of England, who oversaw his country's efforts in World War II, said, "I'm bored with it all," after a series of strokes.

Who is Winston Churchill?


He may be used to rescuing Princess Peach, but Mario also rescued this princess initially in Nintendo Gameboy's "Super Mario Land" (1989).

Who is Princess Daisy?


In 1974, the largest potato (370 pounds!) was grown by Eric Jenkins, who hailed from this Western European nation.

What is England?


When a president has seen their successor already elected, they become this for the rest of their term.

What is a lame duck?


Known as the Qilin in Chinese history, this deer-like mythical creature, with curved horns and the tail of an ox, is a paragon of virtue that appears in times of good government.

What is a kirin?


After accidentally stepping on her executioner-to-be's foot, this French monarch famously said, "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur," before being beheaded by guillotine.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


Though its virality may be lost to memory, this video game's roughly translated subtitles originated the early 2000s' meme, "all your base are belong to us."

What is Zero Wing?


Potatoes are actually not a root vegetable, but this kind of vegetable, relying on underground stolons to grow.

What is a stem vegetable?

When you've been embarrassingly proven wrong after being so sure about an argument, you have to do this.

What is eat crow?


Also known as the Record of Ancient Matters, it is the oldest surviving account of Japanese myths, legends, and history.

What is the Kojiki?


The fiancé of this famous American singer and actor claimed his last words were, "I'm going to the bathroom to read," after having trouble sleeping one night.

Who is Elvis Presley?