Social Media Companies
National Capitals
Dog Species
Inspiring Women

With nearly 2.5 billion monthly followers, this is the largest social media site.

What is Facebook?


This city is the capital of Egypt.

Where is Cairo?


Known for its curly and pale-colored wool coat, this breed bears some similarity to a lamb. It is much more athletic than it appears, traditionally used for racing and to catch vermin.

What is a bedlington terrier?


This means the fear of spiders.

What is arachnophobia?


She was the first black first lady of the United States.

Who is Michelle Obama?


Right behind it's parent company, Google, this company is the second most popular search engine. Here, people post, view and comment on all types of videos, from walkthoughs, reviews and entertainment.

What is Youtube?


This USA capital is not in a state.

Where is Washington D.C.?


This dog is huge in size and noble in bearing,with an impressive double coat. Its aloof, watchful, and independent nature making it an excellent guardian breed.

What is a tibetan mastiff?


This phobia is the fear of other phobias.

What is phobophobia?


This American gymnast's famous quote is, "I was built this way for a reason, so I'm going to use it."

Who is Simone Biles?


Over 320 million people use this social bookmarking site to find inspiration for cooking, DIY projects, vacation, interior design, outfits, and everything in between.

What is Pinterest?


This capital is the most populated, although it's no surprize since the country it's in is the most populated country.

Where is Beiijing?


As its name implies, this massive british dog is very capable in the water. The scent hound has webbed feet and a rough, double coat, which also makes it a great hunter on land.

What is an otterhound?


This phobia is the fear of clothing.

What is vestiphobia?


This woman won 2 noble prizes for her discoveries of radium.

Who is Marie Curie?


Known for it's Bitmojis and filters, this social media platform is used to communicate with friends and family through short videos and photos.

What is Snapchat?


This Asian capital is the richest capital in the world, filled with markets, museums and rivers.

Where is Tokyo?


Its name means “warm winter winds” in Inuit, and its double coat keeps it comfortable in the cold, drafting and sled-dog racing breed, combining the power of a freighting dog and the speed of lighter racing sled dogs.

What is a chinook?


This is the fear of beards.

What is pogonophobia?


She was the first woman to become a pharoah.

Who is Hatshepshut?


A free photo and video sharing app with around 1 billion monthly users where people can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends. They can also view, comment and like posts shared by their friends online.

What is Instagram


This capital in South Sudan is not very well known.

Where is Juda?


This African sighthound makes a fiercely protective companion and guardian, and an extremely intelligent lure courser.  

What is an azawakh?


This phobia means being afraid of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

What is arachibutyrophobia?


She saved 2,500 children from Nazis in Poland during 1942 and 1943.

Who is Irene Sendler?