Per H&P Policy, once trained to be a forklift operator, how often do you need to be re-evaluated?
Every 3-years by way of a check-ride conducted by authorized H&P Forklift trainer or forklift service provider (Qualified Instructors).
This is conducted by the team member and places focus on a team member's actions & behaviors before putting hands on tools or task?
LMRA Last Minute Risk Assessment
What is the most common gas in Earth's atmosphere?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY 100: What is the most abundant gas in the universe?
Hydrogen (makes up roughly 75% of the visible universe.)
www on the computer browser stands for what?
World Wide Web
This LSRA is intended to raise personal awareness of struck-by and caught in between hazards that have LAI potential?
A. Line of Fire
C. Safe Mechanical Lifting
A. Line of Fire LOF
Prior to each use for excessive wear, tear or damage. (REMOVE FROM SERVICE AND HAVE DESTROYED IF IT IS NOT IN GOOD CONDITION)
If I'm leading a discussion with the work team, at the work location immediately prior to commencing a high potential consequence task, what am I doing??
Pre-Task Brief PTB
What type of tree produces acorns?
What is the world's most populous Country?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY 200: What is the world's most populated City?
Tokyo, Japan
This LSRA requires everyone to establish a clear means of communication with the operator?
A. Safe Mechanical Lifting
B. Driving
D. A & C
Per H&P Policy, what is the preferred method for picking up tubulars?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY 300: Can slings be used to lift tubulars? If so, what must be done?
Lift Caps or Single-Joint Elevators
(As they represent a closed lifting system. AVOID CHOKING SLINGS)
If a sling is used though, double choke it around the tubular to secure.
This is meant to be developed during task planning, if there will be task-specific hazards & safeguards that are not already addressed by Life Saving Rules & Actions.
JSA Job Safety Analysis
How many degrees in a right angle?
Popular in Northern Mexico & among Spanish-speaking Texans, what 2-word phrase refers to rainless, hot, stagnant days between July & August?
Dog Days
Line/System has been walked, validated and confirmed all equipment is in proper position and ready to return to service. Refers to which LSRA?
A. By-passing Safety Controls
B. Energy Isolation
C. Open Process Equipment, Breaking Containment
B. Energy Isolation
These can happen at any time and require pre-planning to aid in real-time team member recognition?
This is meant to be a two-way engagement, facilitated by the supervisor/team lead with workers doing the work, to help better understand how work gets done and what we can learn from successful work??
AAR After Action Review
How many hours in a week?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY 400: How many hours in a traditional work year? no overtime
A tall and tubular species of cactus native to the US & Mexico has what name, because of its resemblance to an enormous musical instrument?
Organ Pipe Cactus
Vents need to be isolated/routed away from the area?
Refers to which LSRA?
Hot Work
This is used for key times where the worker is the last line of defense, and the worker is executing a step that is unrecoverable.
Hold Points
Error Prone conditions can generally be categorized into three factor categories, what are they?
Work Environment Factors
Task Factors
Individual Factors
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
The German's and Allied Forces fought what famous battle? in the Ardennes Forest during what World War?
Battle of the Bulge, World War II
What is the meat of the LSRA that we are trying to ensure are in place before Life critical/LAI tasks?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY 500: "I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my tasks". This is an example of what for which LSRA?
The SWC Start Work Checks
Start Work Check for Bypassing Safety Controls