Important Figures in Rational Scholasticism & Humanism (last names only okay)
Reformers, Reactors, & Christianity in East Asia
When Science & Religion Collide
The "Boom" of Scientific & Temporal Advancements, & the Segue into Modernity

This 13th century scholar merges Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology (logic and reason + acknowledgement of the divine) to prove the existence of God in his work "Summa Theologica."

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?


This German reformer is best known for rebelling against the Catholic church and addressed the problematic practices and customs associated with the church in his Ninety-Five Theses. 

Who is Martin Luther?


This person famously wrote "I think, therefore I am."

Who is Rene Descartes?


David Landes wrote an article describing the social and economic effects of this on Western civilization, which replaced the sundial, and water and fire versions. There are also none present in our lecture & discussion rooms . . .

What is the (mechanical) clock?


Giorgio Vasari wrote about this prominent painter and sculptor of the Renaissance period.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


(Open-ended response) This Flemish writer, Anna Bijns, wrote the poem "Unyoked is Best!" which discusses this important issue, particularly in response to Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. 

What is: gender roles? Criticisms about Martin Luther and the role of women? Women's rights? etc.

This astronomer is the first (we are aware of) to propose a heliocentric position in his research, which concludes the sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe. 

Who is Copernicus?


Although gunpowder became a significant advancement in weaponry and used widely in Europe and beyond, it was originally developed in this country, as Joseph Needham discusses in his article. 

What is China?


This 15th century scholar and professor wrote a treatise underscoring the importance of liberal studies, which include Philosophy, History, and Rhetoric, and claims these subjects are only suited for those who are intellectually gifted.

Who is Vergerius?


This Jesuit's diary about his experiences in China, De Propagatione Christiana apud Sinas (On the Propagation of Christianity among the Chinese) was published posthumously and described as being a prominent contribution to Europe's understanding of China. The diary was translated and widely read throughout the Europe in the 17th century.

Who is Matteo Ricci?


In his letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, this scientist both explains and defends his heliocentric position after Catholics and Protestants alike condemned Copernicus, and subsequently, did not fare well; he was branded a heretic and spent his remaining days on house arrest. 

Who is Galileo?


Several scientists and thinkers describe God as the original "this."

What is "clockmaker/clock-winder"?


He wrote, "the architecture and the planning of cities should be based on a rational analysis of problems, needs, site, and climate," and "buildings should be considered in a hierarchy based on significance." We also spent time during lecture looking at architectural images, noting fixed vanishing and vantage points. 

Who is Leon Battista Alberti?


This female author analyzes how women were impacted by the 16th century schism within Christianity in "Nuns, Wives, and Mothers: Women and the Reformation in Germany"; while some say the Renaissance "missed" women all together, her thesis examines how its effects greatly benefited some women while adversely affecting others. 

Who is Merry Wiesner?


This scientific revolutionist did not necessarily "gel" with Galileo and Copernicus, and in "Novum Organum" argues that people have wandered from the righteous path and into the worship of idols; he also identifies as Tribe, Cave, Marketplace, and Theater. 

Who is Francis Bacon?


Lynda Shaffer underscores the revolutionary significance of these three things that were pivotal in the roles of technology in China and Europe.

What are the compass, printing press, and gunpowder?


Practice round: Our discussions take place in this building. 

What is Center/Asante?


Practice round: our lectures begin promptly at this time every M, W, & Fri.

What is 11am?