In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Headin' Down South
No Place Like Home
Dangerously Cheesy
Sales Jargon

C-3PO and this iconic blue and white droid are the only two characters to appear in all mainstream Star Wars films.

Who is R2-D2?


Up for a fried fish meal? You'll probably get it with a side of this type of savory deep-fried cornmeal usually rolled into balls.

What are hushpuppies?


Macaulay Culkin plays Kevin McCallister in this classic 1990 holiday film.

What is Home Alone?


The most popular recipe involving cheese among Americans involves this classic curvy noodle.

What is macaroni?


A question requiring only a yes-or-no answer.

What is a closed question?


This classic Star Wars weapon is canonically built from a fictional crystal, which also determines the color of the "blade."

What is a lightsaber?


North Carolina holds the record for the most winners of this long-running singing competition.

What is American Idol?


This blind Ancient Greek poet is responsible for epics such as The Iliad and The Odyssey.

Who is Homer?


While the United States mastered the mass production of cheese, the first cheese factory was opened in this once neutral European country.

What is Switzerland?


The art of getting someone to buy more products or services to make the transaction more profitable.

What is up-selling?


There is a rather large fan community known as the Reylo community, which ships Star Wars protagonist Rey with this antagonist.

Who is Kylo Ren?


Jefferson, Texas is known as the "geographical epicenter" for sightings of this notoriously photographically blurry cryptid.

What is Bigfoot?


Formed in 2003, this federal executive department was established in direct response to the September 11th terrorist attacks.

What is the Department of Homeland Security?


This particular American pizza franchise goes through 300 million pounds of cheese per year, the most out of any fast food empire. Nobody outpizzas them!

What is Pizza Hut?


Someone who limits access to a decision maker and filters out unimportant information...or someone who acts like they're the only ones who get to be real fans of something.

What is a gatekeeper?


Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu in the prequels, insisted that his lightsaber be purple and this acronym be inscripted onto the hilt.

What is BAMF?


Arkansas may have a city called Little Rock, but it's home to big rocks as well, as it boasts the largest of this gem ever found in the United States.

What is diamond?


This U.S. act enacted in 1862 gave Western land to Americans who were willing to settle on it for at least five years.

What is the Homestead Act?


This cultural group of people packs away an average of 57 pounds of cheese per person per year.

Who are the French?


Building rapport with a sales prospect by adopting their body language and speech patterns, but don't overdo it, or else it's really creepy.

What is mirroring?


This Star Wars actor famously told George Lucas, "You can type this sh*t, but you sure can't say it!" as an allegedly stress-relieving joke.

Who is Harrison Ford?


The entire reason we think of aliens as little green men is because of sightings that occurred in this bourbon-focused state.

What is Kentucky?


Strong Bad, Bubs, Coach Z, and the Cheat are recurring characters in this millennial-loved Flash animation series.

What is Homestar Runner?


This creamy cow's milk yellow cheese accounts for 50-60% of the entire world's cheese consumption...and is used in a lot of puns.

What is gouda?


Holding off on closing active deals because you've already hit your monthly quota...or barricading a door before a flood.

What is sandbagging?