High in Potassium
Country Capitals
Name that Crustacean
The Glossary of Classical Music

An opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.

What is Milk?



What is Northern Ireland?


You purchase these from a grocery store alive, otherwise they'll start to become mushy within an hour due to enzymatic breakdown.

What are Lobsters?


To sing without orchestral accompaniment. Some groups use their voices to emulate instruments; others are more traditional and focus on harmonizing.

What is A cappella?


He bites off Sgt. Pembry's nose and wears his face to escape FBI captivity in an ambulance.

Who is Hannibal Lector (Silence of the Lambs)?


A pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone.

What is an Avocado?



What is Bulgaria?


They are the largest crustacean in the world. Their claws are strong enough to lift objects as heavy as 61 pounds, while their grip is about 10 times stronger than that of humans.

What are Coconut Crabs?


The lowest of men's voices; also, as applied to instruments, the lowest and usually largest of any family.

What is Bass?


A German terrorist who seizes an LA office block on Christmas Eve with the aim of stealing the $640m in it's vault.

Who is Hans Gruber (Die Hard)?


A root vegetable, typically orange in colour, though heirloom variants including purple, black, red, white and yellow cultivars exist.

What is a Carrot?



What is Nicaragua?


They typically consume microscopic plant and animal matter by filtering the water around them or sifting through the ocean floor, making them omnivorous.

What are Shrimp?


A group of musicians preforming together. Some examples of this include the symphony orchestra, marching band or a jazz band.

What is Ensemble?


He was a Jedi who turned to the Dark Side to become Emperor Palpatine's ruthless enforcer, until he is ultimately redeemed by his parental feelings.

Who is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars)?


Round and yellow, they look like a smaller version of a peach but share the tartness of purple plums.

What is an Apricot?



What is Afghanistan?


They have to change shells as they grow. They can commonly be found inhabiting the empty shells of animals such as periwinkles, whelks and moon snails. They usually don't steal shells that are already occupied. Instead, they'll search for vacant shells.

What are Hermit Crabs?


A gradual increase in volume of a musical passage. One of the most famous examples of this musical term can be found in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. The piece begins with a simple, yet powerful motif that starts quietly and gradually increases in volume. 

What is Crescendo?


Crazed on bloodlust and steroids, he utters only a few lines, such as, "You will lose," "If he dies, he dies," and "I must break you."

What is Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)?


They are the largest "flatfish" within the flounder family. Some exceed 400 pounds, including the 459 pound state record fish caught during 1996 in Unalaska Bay.

What is Halibut?



What is The Bahamas?


They are primarily found in the cold waters of the North Pacific, especially around Alaska. They inhabit deep-sea environments with temperatures often near freezing.

What are King Crabs?


A lack of harmony among musical notes. The String Quartet No. 19 in C Major, KV. 465 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was nicknamed this musical term on account of it's unusual slow introduction.

What is Dissonance?


You wouldn't fancy a square-up with any of the crew in Martin Scorsese's Mob Classic, but Joe Pesci's shoeshine boy turned shiny-suited armed robber was by far the most terrifying.

Who is Tommy Devito (Goodfellas)?