What is Costa Rica.
The its capital city, Asuncion, is where Liz spent most of her childhood and adolescence.
What is Paraguay
She came to Liz on Earth Day
Who is Judy
What is wine.
What is the jerk off motion
What is a briefcase
Where is Abilene.
What is Lad
She's tough but fair.
The bartender at the Edgewater Whole Foods
Who is Rev. The Glasses
As a first grader, Liz was convinced that the Highlander on a billboard for Scotch was who.
Who is her real father.
Liz vomited in a train station in this capital.
What is Berlin
Liz once shared a home with a cat with this neurological condition.
What is cerebellar hypolplasia
A seasonal ale that Liz goes "nuts" for.
What is Around the Bend Vera.
What is cannabis/marijuana/weed
Who is Duran Duran.
As a very young child, Liz was terrified of traveling to what place?
What is the moon.
This cat gave all the Jonesling pets fleas
Who was Duke
The best beer ever, which is no longer made.
What is Revolution Jukebox Hero
What is Liz's bedtime
Long before it became a political statement, this was Liz's favorite pose in photos from ages 5 to 8.
What is taking a knee.
Liz spent much of her childhood certain her family was going to move to this place any day.
What is Scotland
This pet was once described during a party game as "a little black guy who takes his pants off"
Who is Elliott
What is Dr Pepper
What is Friday Night