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Hip Hop

This French term means to cook quickly in a small amount of oil or butter.

What is to Sauté?

The hacktivist organization known as Anonymous actually has its origins on this internet forum.

What is 4chan?


This korean film was the first ever foreign language movie to win the Oscar for Best Picture.

What is Parasite?

This hip hop group, originally formed out of the hardcore punk band the Young Aborigines, is known for their song's themes of teenage rebellion such as "Fight for Your Right," "Brass Monkey," and "Paul Revere."

Who are Beastie Boys?


This structure controls the pupil and shares its name with a flower.

What is the Iris?


This is a method of cooking food, particularly eggs, in water at a temperature below boiling.

What is poaching?


After a heated argument, a former soldier and now avid War Thunder player leaked a broad array of sensitive information about U.S. spying activities and Russo-Ukrainian war plans on this social media service.

What is Discord?


This was the first feature-length animated movie ever released.

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


This American hip-hop musical collective formed in Staten Island, New York, and is credited with revitalizing East Coast Hip Hop.

Wu-Tang Clan.


In mammals, this is the common name for the pair of oviducts or uterine tubes through which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus.

What are fallopian tubes?


Which fruit is the most popular and most consumed in the world?

What are Tomatoes?


Secure. Contain. Protect. SCP 173, also known as the Statue, was based on this alien species from a long running British Sci-Fi series.

What are the Weeping Angels?


This was the movie that director Steven Spielberg won his first oscar for.

What is Schindler's List.


This is Kendrick Lamar's real surname.

What is Duckworth.


Which medical term from the Latin terms for “blood” and “break forth” refers to a lot of bleeding, which can be life-threatening?

What is a Hemmorhage?


According to the USDA, the safe internal temperature for cooked chicken is this.

What is 165°F (74°C)?


This 2010 Alternate Reality Game, based on the Legend of Zelda, is known for creating many common tropes and subverting themes in creepypasta.

What is Ben Drowned?


French avant-garde director Alejandro Jodorowsky planned to adapt this novel into a grand film series in the 1970s. Though this film series never got off its feet, its concepts were used as inspiration for franchises such as Star Wars, Alien, and Terminator.

What is Dune?


At 19 years old, this hip hop artist, then under the name of Zev Love X, spoke to the Senate on behalf of Rock the Vote in 1991.

Who is MF DOOM.

This small bone and vestigial organ are two parts of the human body used as notable evidence of human evolution.

What are the tailbone and the appendix?


Baking Soda and Baking Powder have the same base, sodium bicarbonate, but the difference lies in the presence of Cream of Tartar in Baking Powder, raising its what?

What is its acidity?


This series of puzzles first appeared on 4chan in 2012, designed to recruit "intelligent individuals." However, the puzzles have yet to be solved.

What are Cicada 3301?


This Billboard No. 1 song by Simple Minds, was written for the soundtrack of this popular 1985 comedy. (Queue the music)

What is the Breakfast Club?


This scale, including the term five in greek, is commonly used in R&B genres such as hip hop, gospel, and blues.

What is the Pentatonic Scale.


The "nephron," which is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule, is the basic unit that makes up what organ?

What is a kidney?