Your family is going on a vacation. Your destination is 880 miles away. If your family is driving at an average of 55 miles per hour for 8 hours a day. The car gets 28 miles per gallon of gas. Your car can hold 10 gallons of gas. If you start your vacation on a full tank of gas, how many times will your family have to stop for gas in order to arrive to your destination?
Since you have a full tank at start you can take 280 miles off the 880 mile destination amount, so you only really have 600 miles you need to buy gas for.
so 600/280 = 2.14
Which means you need to stop 3 times, because you can't stop 2.14 times.
in words, you drive 280 miles, stop, drive another 280, stop, drive another 280, stop and then drive 40 miles and arrive at your destination.
Answer: 3 times