Make a gerund
What does the word mean ?
Guess that job
Regular Verbs
Add an Adjective

What is the gerund of "to walk" ?
Can you use the -ing form in a sentence?


I adore walking in the fall leaves.


It was an idyllic day.  Sunny, warm and perfect for a walk in the park.

What does the word, idyllic, mean?  Look at the other words in the sentence for context clues.  Make a guess.

The word idyllic means "extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque". 

Please make your own sentence using the word "idyllic".


It is good to have an outgoing personality for this job. This person usually works with children.  This job requires a lot of patience.

What job is this?

The job is a teacher.


The verb is "to ask".

Please make a sentence for yourself with the verb.
Now make a sentence for a friend using the same verb.

I ask questions at the doctor's office.

Allen asks interesting questions in class.


Please add 1 adjective to the sentence.  Remember the adjective is near the noun (person, place or thing).  

There was a river.

There was a beautiful river.
There was a scary river.
There was a calm river.


What is the gerund of "to work" ?
Can you use the -ing form in a sentence?


I like working in my garden.


Her dog has a few eccentric habits like barking at rocks.

What does the word, eccentric, mean ?

The word eccentric means slightly strange or odd.

Please make your own sentence using the word, eccentric.


This job is best if you like to go to school for a long time.  This job requires a lot of education.  Hospitals train people after their education is done.  

What job is this?

The job is a doctor.


The verb is "to work".

Please make a sentence for yourself with the verb.
Now make a sentence for a friend using the same verb.

I work every day at my job.

She works on Mondays and Tuesdays, only.


Please add 1 adjective to the sentence.  Remember to put the adjective near the noun (person, place or thing) in the sentence.

It is a blouse.

It is a stunning blouse.
It is a blue blouse.
It is an expensive blouse.


What is the gerund of "to do" ?
Can you use the -ing form in a sentence?


You are doing a good job.


She likes mustard and ketchup on her frankfurter for lunch.

What does the word, frankfurter, mean ?

The word, frankfurter, is another word for a hot dog.

Please make your own sentence using the word, frankfurter.


It is good to be an extrovert for this job.   You should be good using scissors.  If you are good at this there will be the same, regular customers every month or two.

What job is this?

This job is a hair stylist.   


The verb is "to open".

Please make a sentence for yourself with the verb.
Now make a sentence for a friend using the same verb.

I open the door for the children.

David opens the door and brings in the mail.


Please add 1 adjective to the sentence.  Remember to put the adjective near the noun (person, place or thing) in the sentence.

I had a day at work.

I had a long day at work.
I had a wonderful day at work.
I had a busy day at work.


What is the gerund of "to make" ?
Can you use the word in a sentence?


She is making an apron for her friend.


Marcelle will sing solo, not with other singers

What does the word, solo, mean?

The word, solo, means - only, alone or 1.

Please make your own sentence using the word, solo.


You will need to be very detailed oriented for this job. It is important job when building a house.  You should not be afraid of electricity.  You do not have to be an extrovert to do this job well.

 What job is this?

This job is an electrician.


The verb is "to rake".

Please make a sentence for yourself with the verb.
Now make a sentence for a friend using the same verb.

I rake the leaves in my yard.

She rakes her hair with her fingers.


Please add 1 adjective to the sentence.  Remember to put the adjective near the noun (person, place or thing) in the sentence.

She is an electrician.

She is a young electrician.
She is a hard working electrician.
She is an reliable electrician.


What is the gerund of "to drench" ?
Can you use the word in a sentence?


Let's get out of this drenching rain.


We should stow our summer clothes in a box under the bed.

What does the word, stow, mean ?

The word stow means - to store, to put away.

Please make your own sentence using the word, stow


For this job, it is important that you know how to swim.  It is good if you have a boat also.   It doesn't matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert for this job.

What job is this ?

This job is a fisherman.


The verb is "to start".

Please make a sentence for yourself with the verb.
Now make a sentence for a friend using the same verb.

I start my day at 6 in the morning.

He starts his new job next week.


Please add 1 adjective to the sentence.  Remember to put the adjective near the noun (person, place or thing) in the sentence.

We are students.

We are 4 students.
We are hard working students.
We are happy students.