What planet is closest to the sun?
What is Mercury?
What year was our current president elected? 2016 or 2019
What is 2016?
A way of virtually sending letters back and forth through cyberspace.
What is e-mail?
What breed of dog does Mrs. Curran have?
What is Dachshund or wiener dog?
In the 2nd grade unit, Spectrums, what does ROY B BIV stand for?
What is Rainbow?
Which planet is the farthest from the sun? Pluto or Saturn?
What is Pluto?
Who was our president during the Civil War? Washington or Lincoln
What is Abraham Lincoln?
What is the first step of the Scientific Method? Purpose or Conclusion
What is Purpose?
Which planet has a great red spot? Mercury, Earth, Jupiter
What is Jupiter?
Which president was elected for 2 terms? Obama or Taft
What is Obama?
You should never give this to strangers over the internet.
What is personal information?
Which artist was an Impressionist artist? Michelangelo or Monet
What is Monet?
Which president was so large that he frequently got stuck in his bathtub? Taft or Jefferson
What is Taft?
In what year was the internet created? 1929 or 1969
What is 1969?
What was the name of the Shadow Puppet Show we did in Scampering Stories? The Emperor and the ______?
What is The Emperor and the Kite?