what is the thing that is fluent in over 60000000 languages?
What is a c-3po?
Who is the presidant in 1985?
What is Presidant ronald regan?
who does indy date in the 1st and 4th movie?
What is Marion?
what is the club where a vile gangster lives?
What is jabba's palace?
who does marty mcfly date?
What is jennifer last name unknown?
what is indiana jones real name
What is henry jones jr?
Which planet does anakin and luke used to live
What is tatooine?
who is griff's grandfather?
What is biff tannen?
who does indiana jones date in the 2nd movie
What is winnie?
what are the 3 people that are in a friendship in the originals?
What is luke leia and han?
what type of car is the time machine?
What a delorean?
who plays indiana jones and han solo?
What is harrison ford?
which planet does anakin and pademe get married?
What is tatooine?
who plays marty mcfly?
What is micheal j fox?
what is sophie's favorite indy movie
What is the temple of doom.