These LONG steps are located at the Cameron Park
What is jacobs ladder?
The Best selling book and most copies all over the world of all time?
What is the BIBLE?
I am shaped like a boot?
What is Louisiana?
What is the largest mountain called?
What is Mount Everest?
In this series the main character is Greg H.
What is The Diary of the Whimpey kid?
The white house lives here?
What is Washington?
Who is the giant on mount Everest?
What is the yeti?
The _____ The witch and the wardrobe?
What is Lion?
I'm on top of the united states of America?
What Canada?
What is widely used on hiking trails?
What is a hiking sticks?
I'm on a shelf & have a title, beginning, middle, & end + thin layers of paper to turn?
What is a book?
The states capital is Austin?
What is Texas?
Which state is known for its mountains?
What is Colorado?
Where is Hollywood?
What is California.