We live on this planet.
What is Earth?
What is a polar bear?
How many colors are in a rainbow?
What is seven?
Who wrote Green Eggs and Ham?
Who is Dr. Seuss?
What is the pirate's name in Peter Pan?
Who is Captain Hook?
What is the fastest land animal?
What is a cheetah?
How many continents are there in the world?
What is seven?
Who is a wizard who attends a magical school?
Who is Harry Potter?
In what movie will you find characters who are looking for a brain, a heart, and courage?
What is Wizard of Oz?
Why do items fall when dropped?
What is gravity?
Are sharks mammals?
True or False?
What is false?
In the nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill, what do Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?
What is to fetch a pail of water?
Where is the movie Lilo and Stitch located?
Where is Hawaii?
Which planet is known for having a ring?
What is Saturn?
Which reptile lives in only freshwater?
Crocodile or Alligator?
What is an alligator?
Which place is called “the happiest place in the world?”
What is Disneyland?
According to the Dr. Seuss book, who stole Christmas?
Who is the Grinch?
Which movie is Prince Charming from?
What is Cinderella?
If you freeze water, what do you get?
What is ice?
What is the largest mammal in the world?
What is a whale?
Which state is famous for Hollywood?
What is California?
Who fell off the wall and had a great fall?
Who is Humpty Dumpty?
What movie would you find an Infinity Stone in?
What is Avengers?