Owns six (6) golden Pokémon cards.
Who is Jade?
Has a red and black tail.
What are red pandas?
Who is a sussy baka?
A square man in a square world.
What is Minecraft?
When people reflect upon this movie they often think that Phil Collins shouldn’t have gone so hard by filling the soundtrack with absolute bops.
What is Tarzan?
Has been to Japan and speaks a good amount of Japanese.
Who is Hannah?
Looks exactly like what it’s called.
What is a frog?
Yeah I sure hope it does.
What is Road Work Ahead?
In this series, you play as a 10 year old who throw magical animals out of magical balls to fight each other.
What is Pokémon?
What is Frozen?
Absolutely in love with the mere concept of Psyduck.
Who is Jade?
This animal has fur, makes milk, lays eggs, and the males of the species are venomous. Also known as walking omelette factories.
What is a platypus?
Who is Bernie Sanders?
A first person shooter game best known for the dancing.
What is FortNite?
What is the movie Cars? (Cars 2 and Cars 3 are also acceptable)
Graduates from The University of Oregon in 2022.
Who is Hannah, Jade, AND Kim?
Stinky when squished.
What are sugar ants?
The poet who laid down the bars “even the paparazzi team Bryce, on god.”
Who is Tana Mongeau?
This franchise has had games that explored many activities including, the olympics, racing, golf, stickers, and dancing.
What is the Mario Brothers franchise?
TikTok made a musical that stars Adam Lambert about this movie.
What is Ratatouille?
I Knows an absurd amount about a fantasy apple world.
Who is Hannah?
Aliens from another planet who will one day leave this Earth singing “so long and thanks for all the fish!”
What are dolphins?
What are birds?
In this game you’re a goose.
What is The Untitled Goose Game?
Getchya’ head in the game!
What is High School Musical? (Also acceptable is High School Musical 2, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, High School Musical China, Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure, or High School Musical: The Musical: The Series)