What do you use to see things?
Your eyes
If your freeze water, what do you get ?
Who was the first president?
George Washington
What do you call a group of fish?
A SCHOOL of fish
What birds talk like humans?
Name someone who helps us learn things in school ?
A teacher!
Where does the president live?
The white house ?
What is the largest mammal in the world?
How many dwarfs are in Snow White?
What is the biggest continent in the world?
How many months do we have in a year?
What does bees make ?
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
What are the 4 directions on a map? (YOU CAN SEE THESE ON A COMPASS)
North, South, East, West
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo DiVinci
What is a baby dog called?
A puppy?
Which month has 28 days ?
Every month
What are the three states of matter?
Liquid, gas, and solid
What is another name for the 4th of July?
Independence day
What is the largest bone in the human body?
Name 5 parts of your body
Arm, head, leg, chest, back
How many zeros are in a million
What is 8x12
How much time does it take for the Earth to go around the Sun?
365 days/ 1 year
What is the capital of France?