what is a solar eclipse.
What is when the moon blocks the sun from the sky creating an event.
True or false. Is the moon a natural satellite to earth
What is true.
What is the planet most habitual in our solar system?
What is earth.
What happens in one hundred percent coverage of the sun.
What is the sun is seen around the moon as it looks as if its night time.
What is the name of one of mars's moons?
What is phobos
What planet comes after earth in the solar system?
What is Mars.
What does it mean when a solar eclipse is 50 percent?
What is the sun is looks like its in half as its blocked by the moon 50 percent in a certain region.
How many moons does Jupiter have?
What is 95.
True or false is Mars habitable.
What is false.
True or false. The moon drifts waya 1cm each year due to the earth not being a perfect sphere.
What is True.
Name the second biggest moon I our solar system.
What is Titan.