Work Experience
Life Skills
Guess Who?
Person I check in with to do my job. Brendan is this person in my classroom. Jeff Snell is this person at Fort Vancouver High School.
Who is "the boss."
Ganna and Ashley want to buy 2 cokes and 2 hamburgers at Dairy Queen. The price of one coke is $1.83. The price of one hamburger is $2.29. Ashley has a $20.00 bill. Is this enough money to buy lunch for the two girls? BONUS: About how much change could they expect in return for buying lunch?
What is "yes, it is enough?" BONUS: They could expect at least $10.00 is return without calculations.
I walk quickly to a door under this sign in case of an emergency in a building.
What is an exit sign?
You are lost in downtown Vancouver on a street you don't recognize. You are looking for the Starbucks where you will meet a friend. What can you do?
What is walk into a crowded store and ask for help? What is ask a person to tell you the location of the coffee shop?
I am the person who is the "boss" of the United States. I am the head man who runs the whole business.
Who is Barack Obama?
I work hard here to do my chores, cook my own food, and learn to live out in the real word. This includes doing work outside of my classroom time.
What is the Apartment Program?
Bus tickets cost $3.75 for all zone passes. I need to get from Fort Vancouver High School to downtown Portland and back. I only have one ticket. Can I make the trip successfully with only one ticket?
What is no?
I can read this which tells me what time to be at work on which days.
What is my work schedule?
You are sitting next to a student who has not taken a shower since Monday. You notice that the person is very stinky. What could you do to not be bothered by the smell?
What is get up and move? What is tell the person?
Our names are Donna Jeffries, Travis Boeh, and John Griffin. We are???
Who are the Associate Principals?
I do this when I do not feel well. This is something I am required to do if I can not show up for work. It is a way of being responsible and talking to my boss to make sure he or she can find someone to cover my shift.
What is "calling in sick?"
These bills cost a lot of money: Electric, Water/Sewer, and Rent. If I don't have enough money to cover these three bills in one month, what should I do in order to stay in my apartment with electricity and water?
What is make payment arrangements?
To cook a microwave dinner, you think that the package says to cook for 3 hours and 30 minutes. Is this reasonable? How do you know to check your answer?
What is no!? What is go back and read the directions again?!!!
You have to go grocery shopping, mow the lawn, and run two loads of clothes in the washing machine at the laundromat. If you have until noon on Saturday, could you finish all three tasks in time? If not, what strategy could you use to help yourself?
What is probably no? What is ... think ... out loud ... ?
These people are two teachers at Fort. One loves to have his own cooking class. One loves to weld and fix things in his shop. Our first names are all the same...who are we?
Who are the Daves?
This piece of paper tells me the days and times I will show up to work. It also tells me who my co-workers will be during the week or weekend.
What is a work schedule?
I want to buy a car. I don't have $12,000. How can I drive a car off of a lot, legally? What do I need to do?
What is ask a bank to loan me money which I will repay over time?
The label on one soup can says "best if used by August 9th, 2008." The label on a second soup can says, "best if used by May 1st, 2011. Which can could you heat up for yourself?
What is neither?
You have $50.00. There are two ideas you have for mother's day presents. One is to buy flowers for $49.99. The other is to buy a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant for $20.00. Which could you do? Which one would make her most happy?
What is buy the certificate?
I work in Brendan's room. I have lived in Greece, Turkey, and Germany.
Who Ms. Pam?
To do my job safely at work with as few mistakes as possible, I do what the boss tells me to do in the order that he or she wants me to do. What is this called?
What is following directions?
You run a business making shoes. You can afford to pay each worker $10.00 per hour to make shoes all day every day of the year. You can hire five people for the price of only one person in this country if you hire people in a country called Alexisopolis. What is the better deal for your company? Do you hire people in this country or do you hire people in Alexisopolis?
What is up to the student?
The sign on the urgent care office reads, "open until 9:45 p.m. Monday through Saturday." You think your arm may be broken after a fall on Sunday. Will the urgent care doctor see you? Where else could you go?
What is no? Where is the emergency room?
You have invited three friends over on Friday night. You need to work at 6:15 Saturday morning. About what time would you tell them they need to leave? How would you tell them?
What is completely variable?
We just got married last week in England. Our Grandmother spent over $26 million on our wedding. The ceremony only lasted for an hour. We won't remember our guest list by the first of June. Who are we?
Who are Bill and Kathy, Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge?