This is a process that is always personal to you and looks different for everybody.
What is Recovery?
Everyone has a unique set of these that help them to overcome barriers in their life.
What are strengths
IRP stands for this
What is Individualized Recovery Plan?
Every three months we review
What is IRP
These can arise and make it more challenging to achieve a goal.
What are Barriers?
Family friends and other individuals involved in your recovery are part of this
What are social supports
Located on the IRP, this resource includes a list of triggers, warnings signs, coping skills, emergency contacts, and hospital preferences you can use.
What is the Relapse Prevention Plan
This service teaches students methods that will assist in living independently successfully.
What is Basic Living Skills Training or BLST
Your goals should be aligned with these to make sure you are always moving in a positive direction.
What are personal values
Goals should be set for this timeframe
What is 6-24 months
These are the four domains which you can choose a life goal in.
What are Living, Learning, Working, and Social
The services that helps develop methods to manage stress and symptoms
What is Coping Skills Training or CST
When you believe that change is necessary, change is possible, change is positive, and that support for change exists, you are
What is highly committed to change?
The letters in smart goals stand for
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Relevant
T- Time Bound
You can use these methods to help you manage mental health symptoms.
What are coping skills?
Psych Rehab
What are some examples of potential barriers to recovery?
Mental Health Symptoms
Budgeting Issues
Name one way that you can identify one of your strengths
- What accomplishments am I most proud of?
- What skills come naturally to me?
These are small steps you can take to achieve your goal listed on your IRP.
Psych Rehab promotes
What are self-advocacy and improvement of functioning