A large burger from Mcdonalds known for its sauce, and a all purpose red apple used for baking and eating.
Big Macintosh (Big Mac and Macintosh)
This is often said to be stranger than fiction
This actor of the movie Grease went for bald look. He has won a Primetime Emmy Award and three Golden Globes, and has been nominated for two Academy Awards.
John Travolta
This laundry brand has a name that deals with the flowing of the oceans
In which city did Molly Malone sell seafood?
A substance similar to minerals that your body needs to survive, and the 32nd state of the United States known for its many lakes
This song by Frank Sinatra has strangers passing glances that led to romances.
Strangers in the Night
Before he "tore down that wall" his hair was torn down, with a rift in it bigger tham east and west germany
Mikhail Gorbachev
This brand name that makes garbage bags and bags and containers for storing food also means to be happy
Which famous ship was built in Belfast, Ireland between 1911 and 1912?
A donut shaped cereal known for its honey variant as well as its heart health, and a long necked flightless bird.
Cheeriostrich (Cheerios and ostrich)
This informal phrase is often used when someone wants to have your company again, used to tell you that you should come around more often.
Don't be a stranger.
His hair is falling faster than the trees are currently being deforested in the Amazon rainforest, the name of which his company shares
Jeff Bazos
This department store brand's name doubles as an item that archers shoot arrows at.
Redbreast, Green Spot and Writers Tears are brands of what?
Irish Whiskey
A hard chocolate candy used during WW2, and an essential baking item for spreading out dough.
Tootsie Rolling Pin (tootsie roll and rolling pin)
A rhyming two word phrase said by kids to warn of the threat strangers may pose. It can also be said more jokingly to friends that haven't been seen in a while.
Stranger danger
While in THEORY that he might have some EVOLUTION to grow his hair back, this scientific figure was bald.
Charles Darwin
This phone service provider's name implies it wants to offer you fast speeds. Track runners are known for this word.
This holiday originated in Ireland 2000 years ago, although they celebrated it on November 1st
A male parental figure and a device used to detect changes in the kinetic energy of the air particles around it
Fathermometer (father and thermometer)
A famous modern television series, the title of which can be found in the phrase "Stranger ____ have happened."
Stranger Things
This famous actor, known for his role as James Bond, among other films such as Marnie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Hunt for Red October, Highlander and The Rock, was also voted as the Sexiest Man alive by People Magazine at the age of 69 in 1999.
Sean Connery
This paper towel and napkin brand shares its name with a word that is used to describe what outlaws have.