London is the capital of...
England and UK
Present simple in German is...
Einfache Gegenwart
What do bees make?
Twenty plus seventy is
Cat is a...
The river in London is called...
I played football ( is it present simple)
No, past simple
How many legs does a spider have?
Three hundred fourty five plus fifty is...
three hundred ninety five
Plural form of foot is...
Is there a queen or a king now?
signal words are: every day, always, never.
Is it correct?
Yes, absolutely correct
What do caterpillars turn into?
four hundred seventy six minus seventy is...
four hundred and six
Find one verb: flowers, good, blue, run, red, book, cake, school.
Money in UK is called...
Pounds and pence
Make this sentence negative:
I dance every day.
I do not dance every day.
What type of fish is Nemo?
A clownfish
three thousand three hundred twenty five plus twenty five is...
three thousand three hundred and fifty
make a comparison: interesting.......
more interesting, the most interesting.
What is the tallest building in London?
The Shard
Make a question with these words:
football they do play?
Do they play football?
Where can you see a lot of animals?
fourty multiplied fourty is...
One thousand six hundred
Irregular forms of swim..
swam swum