Human Technology
Famous Scientists
The Universe

Who is known as father of Zoology?

A) Darwin           B) Aristotle

C) Lamark          C) Theophrastus

 B) Aristotle


Where Did Archimedes Hail From?

A) Rome          B) Greece

C) Alexandria   D)China

  B) Greece


How do you currently travel to space?

A) A car                    B) A plane

C) The ISS                D) A rocket

D) A rocket


Which of these scientists discovered gravity?

A) Edison      B) Newton

C) Bell          D) Feynman

B) Newton in 1665


What type of galaxy is the most common in the universe?

A) Circular galaxies  B) Elliptical galaxies

C) Orbital Galaxies   D) Stellar Galaxies

 B) Elliptical galaxies


Animal without red blood cells:

A) frog                B) earthworm

C) snake             D) peacock

B) Earthworm


When Is Pi Day Celebrated?

A) February 14       B) March 14

C) July 4                D) December 24

B) March 14


What is type of power plant is most common?

A) Hydroelectric               B) Fossil fuels

C) Nuclear

B) Fossil fuels


What did Louis Pasteur helped discover:

A) Vaccines     B) Astronomy

C) Atoms        D) Magnetic fields

A) Vaccines


How old is the universe in years?

A) 18.5 billion       B) 13.8 billion

C) 13.8 trillion      D) 18.5 million

 B) 13.8 billion


The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called:

A) hibernation           B) aestivation

C) laziness                D) lethargy

  B) aestivation


Lemniscate Is The Shape Of What Mathematical Symbol?

A) Parallel        B) Infinity

C) Equivalence  D) Symmetry

 B) Infinity


What device harnesses the energy of a star?

A) Caplin thruster              B) Router

C) Dyson sphere               D) hawking raidiation

C) Dyson sphere


Which of these scientists discovered the four biggest moons of Jupiter?

A) Archimedes           B) Galileo Galilei

C) Copernicus            D) Stephen Hawkins

B) Galileo Galilei


What causes the expansion of the universe?

A) Stars                        B) An alien civilization

C) Dark matter              D) Dark energy

D) Dark energy


Bone deformities occur due to the excess intake of:

A) Phosphorus           B) Potassium

C) Fatty acid              D) Florine

D) Fluorine


Who Were The First People To Ever Use Negative Numbers?

A) Egyptians      B) Greeks

C) Chinese         D) Romans

C) Chinese


What do you need to build a black hole bomb?

A) Mirrors                  

B) A high technology ray gun

C) The outsides of a star

D) Things to throw into it


A) Mirrors  


Who was the first woman to receive a Nobel prize?

A) Marie Curie in 1903   B) Lovelace in 1901

C) Franklin for her work on DNA   D) Carson for environmental work

A) Marie Curie in 1903


What will a star 10x the mass of the sun become when it dies?

A) A neutron star                  B) A black hole

C) A white dwarf                   D) Nothing

B) A black hole


Hardest Part of the Human Body?

A) tooth enamel                B) femur

C) temporal bone of skull   D) knee bone

A) Tooth Enamel    


What Type Of Number Has No Factors Other Than 1 And Itself?

A) Decimal numbers        B) Prime numbers

C) Negative numbers        D) Real numbers

 B) Prime numbers


What gives you wifi?

A) Routers                         B) Power plants

C) Humans                        D) All of the above

D) All of the above


What invention was Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel famous for?

A) Electricity    B) Dynamite

C) Internal combustion engine     D) Compass

  B) Dynamite


What happens if you get swallowed by a black hole?

A) You get cloned                     B) You are crushed by

                                                  the singularity   

C) You are burned by the          D) All of the above at                                                       

    accretion disk                          the same time                                    

D) All of the above at

    the same time