Dept. Of Corrections
Infection Control
Fall Prevention
This and That
Emergency Codes

You may buy a newspaper for a corrections patient if he/she gives you enough money.

No, you may not


What is the number one thing that can be done to prevent the spread of infection?

Hand Washing


What color charm on a patient's ID band indicates they are at risk for fall?



How must Oxygen be transported?

In a rack or O2 Canister holder


What is the code that should be called for a Chemical Spill?

Code Orange


Since you are a Transporter, you may talk to the Corrections patient about their medical condition.



What item should NEVER be touched after washing hands for 20-30 seconds?



Beds may be raised up for transportation in the halls. When returning to the room, what three things should be done to ensure patient safety?

1.) Lower the bed to the lowest position 

2.) Lock the bed

3.) Place call bell in easy reach


When returning a patient to a nursing unit, what must you do on Vocera?

Broadcast to the unit that you are returning with a patient


What is the Emergency Number to call any code?


State your name, location and appropriate code


If a corrections patient is going to MRI, shackles and hand cuffs must be removed by the Corrections Officer before the patient enters the MRI room



If hands are visibly soiled, which method of hand disinfection should be used? 

Hand washing with soap and water 


Application of hand gel

Must use soap and water if hands are visibly soiled


While transporting a patient in a wheelchair, the patient suddenly jumps out of the chair and falls to the floor injuring their leg. Describe what actions you should take.

1.) Remain with the patient

2.) Call for help

3.) Encourage patient to lie still and not try to get up

4.) Complete Midas report


If you must lift more than _____ pounds to move a patient, safe patient handling equipment must be used.

35 pounds


You are about to enter the elevator with a patient on a stretcher when the fire alarm goes off. What is the best course of action to take?

Do not enter the elevator and return the patient back to the unit


It is good customer service to share personal information about yourself to a Corrections patient

No, never share ANY personal information about yourself with a corrections patient


What is placed on a patient if they are on isolation and need to be transported?

Plastic gown


What type of wheelchair would be appropriate for a Bariatric patient?

Extra large wheelchair


If you injure yourself on the job what steps must be followed?

1.) Inform your direct supervisor 

2.) Go to the Emergency Dept. 

3.) Complete a Midas report 

4.) Follow up with Employee Health Nurse


What code informs us that the emergency is over and we may resume normal operations?

Code Clear


What piece of information is NEVER shared with a corrections patient?

Discharge Date


What is the name of the wipe we utilize for disinfection of equipment and what is the wet time?

Oxivir Wipes

1 Minute


You are asked to transport a patient on a stretcher to the Radiology Dept. When you arrive with the patient you do not see any staff members around. What should you do next?

Remain with the patient and wait until a staff member arrives so you can safely leave the patient. 

You can also use Vocera to call someone in the department OR contact the unit that sent the patient

Most important - never leave a patient unattended, especially on a stretcher.


You arrive to the unit to transport and the Ticket To Ride has not been signed. What should you do?  

Inform the staff that you cannot transport the patient until the Ticket is signed.


A Code Amber is called overhead. What are your responsibilities during this time?

1.) Stand near exits, elevators and observe for suspicious activity

2.) Report any suspicious activity to Security immediately