what is John B's full name
John booker Rutledge
Name all the months in a year.
The international championship tournament for soccer/football is called
FIFA World Cup
Find the perimeter
L = 16 ft, W = 3 ft
P = 38 ft
What types of bears live in Canada? (at least 2 types)
grizzly bears, black bears, Kermode bears and polar bears
is Kiara a kook or pogue
Number of days in a year.
Say all the names of the days of the week starting with Monday
What is 365 days?
I require two players, you can win if you get four of the same color together.
What is connect four ?
Find the perimeter
L = 8 cm, W = 2 cm
P = 20 cm
What is Canada's largest rodent? (mouse-like animal)
what does kie like to save
Name for a baby cat.
What is a kitten?
Don't touch the ball with your hands! (unless you are the keeper)
What is soccer?
Evaluate the expression
6 - 15 ➗ 3 + 2
= 3
Name of the famous Canadian singer who sang the song Baby in 2010
Justin Bieber
who is Sarahs ex bf
Largest animal: land and water.
What is an elephant and a whale?
Name a game popular for its block characters and sandbox mechanics.
Roblox or Minecraft
Evaluate the expression
39 - (1 + 5)2
= 3
Who is Canada's official Head of State?
Hint-he will be on our money soon
King Charles
whats is JJ's dads name?
What Birds Can't Move Their Eyeballs?.
71% of the Earth is covered by what?
Find the perimeter
Square = 15 yd
P = 60 yd
Name a ocean that touches Canada?
THREE - the Atlantic on the east, the Pacific on the west, and the Arctic to the north
which guys admit they have feelings for Kiara in the show
John b and pope
Name for a group of fish.
Name the most played board game of all time.
What is Monopoly?
Evaluate the expression
2 x 33 + (20 - 6) ➗ 7=
= 56
Who is Justin Trudeau?
Prime Minister
what does pope lose at the end of season 1?
his scholorship
Name a country that starts with an S.
South Africa, South Korea, Scotland, Spain, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Senegal, Somalia, Sweden, Serbia, Switzerland, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Samoa, Saint Lucia, San Marino
unscamble this word
Hint its a number
Evaluate the expression
9 ➗ 3 x 34
= 243
Waht is the capital of Alberta
What is Sarah going to get in episode 1 where everyone is afraid she will get electrocuted?
a little girls barbie
Name the most played board game of all time.
What is Monopoly?
Name 3 of the 7 continents
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia
Find the perimeter
L = 14 cm, W = 6 cm
P = 40 mi
Red = war and sacrifice
White = peace, tranquillity and national neutrality
Red = war and sacrifice
White = peace, tranquillity and national neutrality