John was a virtuoso at playing even the most difficult piano pieces. He was considered one of the best young pianists in the world? A. a person who is famous B. a person is very attractive C. a person with a great skill
What is a person with great skill
Where can you find the Main Idea in a passage?
What is in the first or last paragraph of a passage
Bryan saw a few spots that that he missed so he stepped forward to clean up the spots. What is the effect?
What is he stepped forward to clean up the spots
Jackie had to pay her dues before becoming a successful surgeon. What does the "phrase pay her dues" mean? A. "work as a maid" B. "join professional groups" C. "work long and hard
What is work long and hard
"Troy stuttered, blushed, and shook as he addresses the crowd". What can you infer about Troy from this statement? A. He is an actor B. He is nervous C. He enjoys public speaking
What is B. - He is nervous
An antonym of challenging is A. disappointing B. easy C. new D. beautiful
What is easy
In the passage modern Africa, what is the Main Idea?
What is Many places in Africa are more modern than people realize
What happens is called...
What is an effect
You can tell that something fishy means A. something suspicious B. something exciting C. something disagreeable
What is something suspicious
As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied, and his backpack was unzipped. He's only traveld a block when he heard his mother calling his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. What can you infer from this passage? A. Jim takes the bus. B. Jim is in 4th grade. C. Jim is disorganized. D. Jim dislikes school.
What is C - Jim is disorganized.
__________ another word for the unfamiliar word is a good way to check your understanding
What is Substituting
What is a main idea?
What is what the paragraph is MOSTLY about
In the passage "The Vikings" What caused the Vikings to become healthier?
What is their food supply increased
I wouldn't go to the movies with you if you were the last person on earth is an example of A. Personification B. Hyperbole C.Metaphor
What is a Hyperbole
Ruben made a mental checklist. Laundry, yes. Bills, yes. Grocery shopping, no. Clean the house, no. Fix the hallway light, no. Wrap presents, no. His parents were coming tomorrow, and he didn't know how he would get everything done. What can you infer? A. Ruben is stressed B. Ruben is forgetful C. Ruben's parents are picky
What is A - Ruben is STRESSED
Fat Albert was content for he ate 10 triple cheeseburgers for lunch this afternoon. Which of the following is the best meaning of the homograph content? A. triple cheeseburgers B. substance C. satisfied
What is satisfied
What is the Main Idea in the paragraph 2? (How the Tulip Hurt and Helped the Dutch)
What is Tulips were once a status symbol in Holland
I didn't focus in class and pay attention during classroom instruction last year Therefore, I failed the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. What is the cause in this sentence?
What is I didn't focus in class and pay attention during classroom instruction last year
Which of these is a metaphor? A. Shells are jewels of the sea B. A collection of sea shells can delight you in many ways C. Place empty shells in a plastic bag D. Some shells play the oceans music when you hold them to your ear
What is Shells are jewels of the sea
"This is my last cigarette", he said for the millionth time. What can you infer? A. He just started smoking B. He likes smoking C. He's tried to quit smoking before
What is C - He has tried to quit before.
An example of homograph is the word bill. What are the two different meanings of bill?
What is a bird's beak or an invoice
A _________ is the reason that something happens or why it happens
What is a Cause
What type of Figurative Language is the sentence below? Carla didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag. A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Idiom
What is an Idiom
Joyce straightened the tablecloth and turned the crystal vase so that it caught the light of the setting sun. She placed two wine glasses on the table, dimmed the lights, and lit the candles. Dinner was in the oven, so all she had to do now was wait. She checked her hair in the mirror one last time and sat down on the couch. What can you infer? A. Joyce is in love. B. Someone special is coming. C. Joyce is a talented cook.
What is B - someone special is coming!