Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Jeopardy double. 

The number of electoral votes per states is determined by the members of the House and senate within each state. We ere granted ____ senators per state, but the number for the House of reps per state is determined by a states __________________?  

What are 2 senators per state, and population/how many people reside in that state.  


This process, which starts in the House of representatives, allows us to remove the US President from office. It is known as _____________. 

What is Impeachment. 


This form of government is ruled by a King or a Queen - this is a form of?



Which form of government is one person in charge?



The President can only serve ___________ terms?

what is 2 terms or 8 years max


Whenever me and my brothers wanted to go somewhere, we elected by oldest brother to go ask our mom.  This is an example of which type of government?

Representative Democracy


What are the 3 requirements to becoming a US president? 

What is- 

35 years old, natural born citizen and have lived in the USA for 14 years minimum. 


What are the two forms of Monarchy?

Absolute Monarchy And Constitutional Monarchy


The ________ amendment established presidential term limits? 

What is the 22nd amendment 


The United States Electoral College:

A. Trains those who are seeking political office

B. Was established to supervise the first television debate

C. otherwise known as Congress

D. Is a constitutionally mandated assembly that elects the president

What us- Is a constitutional mandated assembly that elects the president. 


In my country, Commander John Swift overthrew the government and now he controls with his use of violence.  

Commander Swift is a...



What is Direct Democracy?

When all people vote on laws and policies themselves


Which Monarchy Has No Real Power and  is for Ceremonial purposes?

Constitutional Monarchy


What is Oligarchy?

Power Held By The Few (wealthy, military, religious, popular)


Which Form Of government Does The Government Takes Over Certain Businesses to Protect the People By Sharing The Wealth of The People Through Out Its  Citizens?



Double jeopardy

A presidential candidate needs _______ electoral votes out of the _____ to win the US election. 

What is 270 out of the 538.


Jeopardy double!!!

The _____________ where the group that wanted a Constitution to be created, creating a stronger central government with more power than the states. Whereas, the _____________ were the group whom were against the creating of the constitution, wanting the powers to remain in the states instead of the central government being more powerful. 

Who are the Federalist (for Constitution) and the 

      Anti- Federalist ( Against the Constitution)


In an Absolute Monarchy, who has all the power?

the King Or Queen have all of the power


A state of disorder due to an absence or lack of governmental authority, is a state of....



Jeopardy triple!!!!

We elect the US president every ____________ years on the _____________ Tuesday of _____________?

what is- every 4 years, first Tuesday of November 


This year I am turning 18 and will be able to vote in the presidential election. I need to do my research on the different Senators and House of Representative members, because they will represent me.  What type of government do I live in....

Representative Democracy


From 1948 to 1994, South Africa existed under a system of apartheid.  Under this system, white South Africans (about 18% of the population) controlled all instruments of the government. Voting was limited to wealthy  South African citizens only.  This was an example of...



America Today Has This Type Of Democracy, where we the people elect leaders/representatives to create public policy

What is.. . Representative Democracy


A form of government where a dictatorial leader has absolute power is best described as which of the following...



If the President and Vice President can no longer serve who becomes the President?

For an extra 500 points, which amendment established this? 

Who is...The Speaker of the House

Bonus: The 25th amendment.