The ability to control or influence the actions of others
What is power?
The concept that no one is above the law
What is the rule of law?
The form of government where people hold power through voting for laws
What is Democracy?
The ancient society that used to vote dictators into power for a temporary amount of time.
What is ancient Rome?
Martha Washington named a feral tomcat after this Founding Father
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
The right to wield and utilize power
What is authority?
The concept where people agree upon the rights and responsibilities of both citizens and the government
What is a social contract?
The two types of democracy
What is direct and representative?
The form of government where representatives hold power and vote for laws and rules
What is a republic?
This form of government can change its rules and laws extremely quick without much opposition
What is a dictatorship?
The name for a group of Ravens
What is an unkindness?
An individual being given a speeding ticket by a police officer (after they were pulled over for speeding)
What is an example of authority?
The concept where people agree to be governed and give the government the right to wield its power
What is consent of the governed?
The form of government where citizens of a country might vote to go to war or not.
What is Direct Democracy?
The type of government where there is a figurehead that holds little power and their role is ceremonial. This title is usually passed down through bloodline.
Constitutional Monarchy
This is the first movie that Pixar made
What is Toy Story?
The President arresting political opponents solely because they have disagreements is an example of this.
What is an example (an abuse) of power?
What is a representative?
A form of government that might have three branches of government that all have ceremonial or pretend roles
What is a dictatorship?
The form of government where an individual holds all of the power, and that power is transferred through hereditary rule
What is absolute monarchy?
The (precise) form of government that the United Kingdom has today
What is Constitutional Monarchy?
The name of the second person to walk on the moon
Who is Buzz Aldrin?
A local government denying a group of people a permit to protest is an example of this.
What is an example of authority?
The form of government that relies entirely on the Consent of the Governed to work
What is Democracy?
The form of government typically would have a President and a group of people elected to make laws.
What is Representative Democracy?
The form of government often lead and in control through military force
What is dictatorship?
The name of the type of government that is ruled by a small group
What is oligarchy?
This Greek Mythology figure flew too close to the Sun
Who is Icarus?