Le père de ma mère
mon grandpère
mille dix + mille dix
deux mille vingt
I use this part to pick things up.
mes doigts
I eat in this room.
la salle à manger
My cousin's uncle.
mon père
10 x 5
I see using these two round objects
mes yeux
My parents sleep in this room
la chambre
This is the word for my female sibling.
ma sœur ou ma frangine
4 x 20
I have two of them, and they help me walk.
mes jambes
The French bathroom that has no bath
une toilette
This person is my mother's new husband.
mon beau-père
parts of one euro
The fingers of my toes are called?
mes oreilles
Where I wash myself is called the
la Salle de Bain
my great grandma
mon arrière grand-mère
cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept
I think using my
ma tete ou mon cerveau
I cook great food in a room with the stove.
la cuisine