Disney Princess
Eye Health
Gujarati Cuisine
World Geography
Things to do in Los Angeles

Her name is Polynesian for "ocean" & the ocean chooses her for a special task

Who is Moana?


In 1942 Fullback Andy Farkas used burnt cork as the first NFLer to cut harmful glare with what's now called eye this color

What is black?


This savory snack from India which found fame in Gujarat, is made from ground channa daal or channa gram flour, usually paired with silve. 

What is Khaman?


This country, the largest in South America by both area and population, is home to the Amazon rainforest and the city of Rio de Janerio. 

What is Brazil?


 Here, you'll find a variety of delicious treats like churros and fried pickles among the best foods available. This magical place in Anaheim will make you want to never leave.

What is Disneyland?


She's the only princess based on a real person

who is Pochantas?


The traditional Snellen eye chart has this big letter at the top

What is E


This soft flatbread typical of Jugarti cuisine is especially common among the Jain community. Served as breakfast, most Americans love it with ketchup. 

What is Thepla?


This small English City is known for its three-spired medical cathedral and was the birthplace of samuel johnson, the writer of the first comprehensive English dictionary. 

What is lichfield?


In the middle of Los Angeles, is this prehistoric treasure cove, where you will find the bones of thousands of prehistoric animals that used to roam this great earth.

What are the La Brea Tar Pits?


She has Magical 70-foot locks

Who is Rapunzel?


February is awareness month for this condition affecting the macula. It's a leading cause of blindness in individuals 50 and over. 

What is macular degeneration? 


An Indian dish common in Rajasthani and Gujarati is made by boiling wheat flour pieces in a toor dal stew. In some household traditions, it is made our of leftover dal. 

What is Dal Dhokli?


This archipelago, located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, is known for its wildlife and was the site of a 1982 war between the United kingdom and Argentina.

What are the Falkland Islands?


In 2011, this place was put on the map thanks to the welcoming of the spaceship, the Endeavor.

What is the California Science Center?


She's Friends with a trumpet-playing alligator named Louis

Who is Tiana?


A new type of plastic called hema allowed Bausch + Lomb to introduce these in 1971.

What are soft contact lenses?


A curd-based drink, popular across the Indian Subcontinent, in Rajasthani it is called ghol. Made with yogurt, water, and spices. 

What is Chaas?


The Sundarbans is the swampy delta where the Ganges, Meghna & Brahmarutra rivers all flow into this bay


What is the Bay of bengal?


his historic neighborhood in Los Angeles is known for its vibrant culture, bustling markets, and traditional Chinese architecture, making it a popular spot for exploring and dining. 

What is Chinatown?


She's Sister to Brothers Hamish, Harris & Hubert

Who is Merida?


Near- or farsightedness is measured using this, the unit of lens power

What is a diopter?


Originally a vegetarian dish from India, it is made with gram flour and colocasia leaves. A similar dish is Saheena.

What is Patrode?


This West African country was the center of the Mali Empire, famous for its wealth and the legendary pilgrimage of Mansa Musa to Mecca in the 14th century.

What is Mali?


A library dedicated to the life and presidency of Ronald Regan is located in Simi Valley. Ronald Regan served from 1980 - 1988, making him the number one president.

What is 40?