Science terms
Science terms 2
Main Idea
Context clues

What is the amount of matter in an object?

A. matter

B. mass

C. inertia

B. mass


What is the distance traveled per unit of time? (hint: can be measured in cm/second or mph)

a. veer
b. speed
c. inertia

b. speed


Birds are my favorite species. I love the way they fly around, soaring up in the sky. It's funny to watch them eat bugs and worms. They tend to be harmless, unlike other animals who prey upon each other. I love to listen to birds in the morning as they sing. What is the main idea?

Birds are my favorite species for many reasons.

It was Monday. She dragged herself out of bed and plodded down the stairs to eat breakfast. When her mom talked to her, she rolled her eyes. Inference: how is she feeling?

Annoyed/exasperated that it's Monday


While she was indifferent to golf, he husband was an avid fan.

What does indifferent mean?

a. doesn't care about

b. cares a lot about

c. competitive

a. doesn't care about

What is a force that holds back the movement of a sliding object?

a. inertia

b. friction

c. Newton's first law

b. friction


What is the push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity (to accelerate)?

a. friction

b. strength

c. force

c. force


Homework is not my favorite thing. I wish my teachers would stop assigning it every day. When I get home, I dread doing my homework. Homework is so boring. 

What is the main idea?

I don't enjoy doing homework.


"It'll be okay, Spot," she said to her labrador retriever. They loaded into the car and soon they were there. Spot got several vaccinations.

Where are they?

Vet's office


Stacey was suspicious when the clown handed them a box, but her gullible little brother opened it anyway.

What does gullible mean?

a. forgetful

b. trusting

c. annoying

b. trusting


What is a numerical measurement of how far apart objects or points are?

a. distance

b. quantity

c. speed

a. distance


What does Newton's First Law say?

an object will remain at rest or the same motion unless acted upon by an outside force.


The earth is the best planet there is. On earth, there are oceans and land, otherwise known as continents. People and animals inhabit the earth. In science, learning about the earth was my favorite.

What is the main idea?

Earth is the best planet.


It had been a beautiful sunny day. Now George saw the clouds begin to roll in. The gentle breeze 

of the day started blowing steadily. In the distance the blue sky was now a dark, angry purple. Far 

away, but coming closer, George saw something that scared him. He ran to the house to tell his 

mother that they needed to get into the storm cellar right away. What will happen next?

A big storm will roll in


The woman abhorred cleaning house, but she 

loved a spotless home.

Does the woman like cleaning?

a. yes

b. no

b. no


Describe veer in your own words.

to change direction or turn about or aside; shift, turn, or change from one course.


What does Newton's second law say?

the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.


Lunch is the best part of the day. After a long morning, it is a good time to take a break and talk to friends. I also enjoy recess. My favorite time of the day is enjoying food at lunch.What is the main idea?

My favorite part of the day is lunch.


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing. Where am I?

The hair salon


She was an agile dancer, although her partner was quite clumsy.

a. skilled

b. terrible

c. caring

a. skilled


What is the action or process of moving or being moved?

a. veer

b. motion

c. energy

b. motion


What does Newton's third law state?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


People should not pollute the earth. People often drop trash on the side of the road. This leads to contamination of run-off water and the ocean. If people would properly dispose of their trash, the world would be a better place. What is the main idea?

People should not pollute the earth.


The room was dark and quiet. We heard Carl and his mother come in the front door talking. I heard two girls in the corner giggle nervously. Another girl told them to be quiet. I hid behind the table where the cake and presents were set out.  The tension in the room grew as we waited for them to open the door. Where am I?

A surprise birthday party


Instead of a grimace, Claudia had a big 

smile across her face.

a. smile

b. frown

c. laughter

b. frown