Dead At...
Misspelled Offical names
Careers before they became president
TV Shows by Opening Credits
Marvel Actors in Other Roles

Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse

What is 27?


This web company's name was derived from the name of a large number, though the final two letters are different. 

What is Google?

This President was a movie actor from California who served as the head of the Screen Actors Guild from 1947 to 1952 and from 1959 to 1960.

Who is Ronald Regan?


The main character raps about his life, from playing basketball in West Philadelphia to sipping orange juice from a champagne glass on his way to visit his wealthy relatives.

What is "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?


Chiwetel Ejiofor lends his voice to the villainous Scar in the 2019 remake of this Disney classic.

What is The Lion King?


John Lennon, Paul Walker, Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Kafka

What is 40?


Stephen King deliberately misspelled a word in the title of this book about a domesticated animal graveyard.

What is Pet Sematary?


This President ran his family's peanut business before entering politics.

Who is Jimmy Carter?


An upbeat piano tune plays over imagery of corporate workers taking phone calls, shredding papers, and circling keywords on documents with a highlighter.

What is "The Office"?


Jeremy Renner stars alongside Tom Cruise in the fourth installment, subtitled Ghost Protocol, of this movie franchise.

What is Mission Impossible?


Bob Hope, Lao Tzu, George Burns, Henry Kissinger

What is 100?


This fighting video game series and the media franchise is spawned have a "K" instead of a "C" in one of its words.

What is Moral Kombat?


Before becoming President, this individual served as a U.S. Army officer during World War II, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?


We descend from a cloudy sky to observe the hustle and bustle of a town, from a kid writing lines in detention to a nuclear power plant worker leaving his job in the middle of handling radioactive material.

What is "The Simpsons"?


Benedict Cumberbatch gets fired up as the sinister dragon Smaug in this fantasy trilogy (a prequel to a series that is sure to ring a bell).

What is The Hobbit? (Prequel trilogy to The Lord of the Rings )


Carrie Fisher, Theodore Roosevelt, Diego Maradona, Gary Cooper

What is 60?


The official name for this cookie Nabisco product includes a word with only one "F" instead of two.

What is Double Stuf Oreos?


Thanks to family connections, this president got a job as a special correspondent for Hearst Newspapers, where he covered the Potsdam conference.

Who is John F Kennedy?


A camera pans across a post-apocalyptic cityscape, showcasing abandoned landmarks and mutated wildlife while haunting music plays in the background.

What is "The Walking Dead"?


This 2013 Ron Howard film stars Marvel alumni Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl as Formula 1 drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda respectively, chronicling their legendary rivalry in the 1970s.

What is Rush?


Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Bob Marley, Ada Lovelace

What is 36?


This band originally named itself after a type of insect and deliberately changed their name to make a pun with a unit of time in music.

What is the Beatles?


Before entering politics, this president managed gold mines in Australia and China.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


An eyelash curler sits near a scalpel on a surgical tray, and an IV drip visually morphs into a dirty martini.

What is "Grey's Anatomy"?


Robert Downey, Jr. and Tommy Lee Jones star alongside Wesley Snipes in this 1998 sequel to The Fugitive.

What is U.S. Marshals?