The name of the Realm dubbed "Hell" in Minecraft.
What is: The Nether?
Twitch emote that means idiot.
What is: Pepega?
Who is: Abraham Lincoln?
Lead star of the John Wick movies.
Who is: Keanu Reeves?
This show's 2nd season came out on the 31st of July.
What is: Umbrella Academy?
What is: Pong?
What is: "You wouldn't get it"?
The year when America was liberated.
When is: 1775?
This person who directed Paul.
Who is: Edgar Wright?
Who is: Micheal Scott?
This is the most played individual game.
What is: Fortnite?
The year that "Bruh Sound Effect #2" came out on YouTube.
What is: South Sudan?
This movie has the quote: "I call this... BOY TIPPING!"
What is: Barnyard?
Cartoon Network's most watched cartoon.
What is: Adventure Time?
This is the third game in the hit series Super Smash Bros. released in 2008.
What is: Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
What is: 106M?
The location of the Vatican City.
Where is: Rome, Italy?
What is: 13?
The amount of Doctor Who doctors.
What is: 13?
The release year of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
When is: 2004?
This video has 751M views.
What is: Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley (Rick Roll)?
The last year the 2 cent coin was made in Australia.
When is: 1989?
The year "The Wizard of Oz" came out.
When is: 1939?
The amount of Rick and Morty episodes.
What is: 36?