Colourful Responses
Brush up on your Hebrew
Out of this world!
Yes, Chef!
"Q" Force

It's the crime of making someone pay you to not reveal their embarrassing secrets...

What is blackmail?


A good first word to learn is this one, meaning "hello", "goodbye" and "peace"!

What is shalom?


It took off into space for the first time on April 12, 1981

What is the Space Shuttle?


Oh, come on! If a Pixar rodent can make this eggplant, tomato, onion, bell pepper, zucchini, garlic and herbs dish, you can too!

What is ratatouille?


It is equal to thirty-two fluid ounces

What is a quart?


It's a structure made of glass to grow plants, or what some fear man-made gases are turning our planet into

What is a greenhouse?


Unless you're at Trader Joe's, if you're speaking Hebrew, this dip has a guttural first letter and two long vowels

What is hummus?


Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the Moon; a few minutes later, this man became the second.

Who is Buzz Aldrin?


I told you to nuke this pasta staple from Campbell's that first hit shelves in 1965 for two minutes! Why on Earth did you say "Uh-oh"?!

What are Spaghetti Os?


This period of isolation, which we are all too familiar with, traces back to the fourteenth century and was used to stop disease on newly-arrived ships

What is quarantine?


These drawings are used to show how to construct something, like a building or a machine

What are blueprints?


Abba is this relative; while praying, Jesus says "Abba... all things are possible unto thee... not what I will, but what thou wilt."

What is father?


In November 2000, Yuri Gidzenko, Sergey Krikalev and William Shephred became the first residents of this, staying 136 days

What is the International Space Station?


I need this Italian rice specialty alla milanese! Stir hot stock in a mix of onions and rice... when the rice is al dente, you're done!!

What is risotto?


It's the same as a spat, only sounding slightly more elegant.

What is a quarrel?


This 2-word fishy term refers to a piece of information that is a distraction from the main issue

What is a red herring?


This German-born man, who could not speak any Hebrew, was offered the opportunity to become the President of Israel in 1952. He respectfully declined, citing a lack of qualifications and a disinterest in politics

Who was Albert Einstein?


In 2018, one of this American aerpspace company's Falcon rockets placed a Tesla roadster in orbit around the Sun

What is Space X?


I said use 1.5 lbs. of white button mushrooms for the duxelles, a 3-pound tenderloin and puff pastry to make "Beef" this! Go, now!!

What is Beef Wellington?

If you have nagging doubts or questions about a project, you have these misgivings

What are qualms?


A member of the armed forces who has been wounded in action may receive this medal

What is a Purple Heart?


A former host of 'Jeopardy!' who speaks both Hebrew and Yiddish fluently shares her first name with this Hebrew word for water

What is mayim?

Former 'Jeopardy!' host - Mayim Bialik


The HST, this space telescope, was placed in orbit around Earth in 1990 and soon revolutionized astronomy

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?


Whether the second part of its name is "chuck" or "rump", this tasty dish needs to cook an hour per pound and the old folks start ordering it at 5:00 p.m.

What is pot roast?


It's the town where the FBI Academy is located, in the state of Virginia.

What is Quantico?