Sprint Management
Agile Values
External Requests
Processes Similar to Agile

Your team is overwhelmed with the tasks associated with a certain sprint. How can you combat this?

Break up user stories into smaller stories, identify roadblocks and potential bottlenecks.

A team constantly disagrees on what the conditions for completeness are for user stories. How should the team handle this situation?

Work together to agree upon a shared definition of done


Every day during a sprint, a stakeholder is forcing the team to write a status report for the stakeholder. What agile value is this going against?

Working software over documentation


A stakeholder gives suggestive feedback during a sprint review, what should the team do in response?

Talk with the product owner about expectations from stakeholders and see if their feedback is something that should be included in the product.


Agile prioritizes just in time planning, is this more similar to a push process or a pull process?

Pull process