Theorist famous for theory that includes sensorimotor and preoperational stages.
Who is Jean Piaget?
Synaptic Pruning.
What is another name for Neural Pruning?
Use it or lose it
What is pruning?
What are people who voluntarily leave their country and relocate in a new place called?
What are people who voluntarily leave their country and relocate in a new place called?
Three essential metacognition skills.
What are: Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluating?
Describes mental structures that help organize information.
What is Schema?
What does the Acronym IDEA stand for?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
What is IDEA?
The four parenting styles.
What are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful?
Moving between speech forms.
What is Code switching?
Students motive using the Surface Approach.
What is when students memorize what they see as the most important items?
A term that describes a gap between what learners do independently with guidance.
What is Zone of Proximal Development?
When a child identified as special needs that is in a class with other children who are not labeled?
What is Inclusion.
Bowlbys attachment disorder, two chemical stressors.
What are adrenaline and cortisol?
An approach to teaching content to ELS by putting words and concepts of content into context to make the content understandable.
What is Sheltererd Instruction?
An activity that surrounds pre-existing learning or assessment tasks and fosters students' metacognition.
What is Wrappers.
These two theorists have two different theories about development?
Who are
- Piaget
- Vygotsky
The range of developmental disabilities affecting verbal & communication as well as impaired social interactions?
What is Autism Spectrum?
It allows nerve signals to move between the two sides of your brain. (like a bridge)
What is Corpus Collosum?
Landmark 1954 supreme court case that ruled that the separation of children in public schools based on race was considered unconstitutional.
What is Brown V Board of Education?
A special kind of procedural knowledge- knowing how to approach learning task.
What are Learning Strategies?
Encourages students to discover knowledge through exploration?
What Inquiry-Based Learning Instructional Method?
Howard Gardners 8 multiple intelligences
What are Logical- mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalists?
Kohlbergs stages in order.
What are: Avoiding punishment, self- interest, good boy attitude, law and order morality, social contract, and principle?
A checklist that is used during observations to assess teaching of ELL students.
What is the SIOP Model?
When you consider how effective your study strategies are.
What is Self Reflection?