From the valley of the jolly HOHOHO
Green Giant
The commander of a ship is who?
Coal, Model T Ford, newspaper ink
All are black in color
When is Flag Day
June 14
Name a green fruit.
Lime, green grapes, apples, pears.
The quicker picker upper
If someone falls into the water, observers shout “Man…
Peashooter, BB gun, Slingshot
Each is a children’s shooting toy
Who has traditionally received credit for designing the first American flag?
Betsy Ross
Name a green good luck charm
Four-leaf clover
Made by elves
A person who serves in the Navy is who?
Ivory Soap, apple, inner tube
All float
How many stripes did the Betsy Ross flag have?
Name a green gemstone
Emerald or Jade
Brought to you in living color
The villainous captain of the pirate ship in Peter Pan is Captain….who?
Straight pin, nail, person
Today there are 50 stars on the U.S. flag, on for each what?
Name a green vegetable
Broccoli peas asparagus
With a name like….. it’s got to be good
What is the Jolly Roger?
Flag flown by pirates
Elephant, tree, car
All have a trunk
The last two stars added to the flag (in 1959) were for which states?
Alaska and Hawaii
Name a professional football team that uses green for one of its team colors.
Green Bay Packers