What is Art's last name?
What country did Vladek live in?
Poland. The town was Sosnowiec.
What state did Mala run away to?
Florida, The Sunshine State.
Who was Anja's Husband?
True or False: Art is a Jew
What was Vlad's remarried wife's name?
Did Mala know Vladek before the war?
Yes! They've met in Sosnowiec!
Who was Anja's first born child?
Riechu, though he died shortly after.
What was the camp that most Jews died at called?
Auschwitz. One of the largest death camps in all of Europe.
How long did it take Art to write "Maus"?
13 YEARS!!!
True or False: Vladek had communications through a "Mrs. R"
False! It's "Mrs. M"!!!
Is Mala a Holocaust survivor?
Mala is a Holocaust survivor, who knew Vladek in Sosnowiec before the war.
Before the events of this book series, how many years ago was her death?
About 6 years.
What was the longest battle fought in world war II?
The Battle of the Atlantic! From September 3, 1939 to May 8, 1945!!!
True or False: Artie had a good relationship with his father in the beginning of Maus II
True! you are probably thinking of Maus I if you said no. Then, you would've been right.
True or False: Vladek faked his heart attack for Mala to leave
Nope. She just seized the opportunity.
Why did Mala go to Florida?
To get away from Vladek and run away with his money.
Did Anja have a diary or a scrapbook that Vlad threw away?
Diary. He threw it away after she died.
Double Jeopardy: What is the main symbol of food?
Trust, bond, loyalty, respect.
Double Jeopardy: How many Holocaust survivors are there? (Jewish).