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Who is considered a "specific person"?

Is an ordinary citizen. They are not prominent, noteworthy, powerful or famous people. 


Alleged software glitch in the vote counting process is IN SCOPE.True or False? Why? 



Suranim, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin are possible COVID vaccine antidotes, therefore they are OUT OF SCOPE. True or False? Why?

False. Those substances are IN SCOPE for promoting and advocating medical misinformation. 


Claims that the CDC/WHO experts cannot definitively rule out are considered OUT OF SCOPE of the Anti-Vaccination label. True or False? Why? 

True. All claims considered in scope for this label have been definitely ruled out by CDC/WHO experts.


Skeletons stacked on top of each other or in a pile are IN SCOPE for Violence and Gore. True or False? Why?

False. OUT OF SCOPE. As long as it is just bones, no skin or other tissue. 

Who is considered a "vulnerable individual"?

Someone unable to care for themselves.

Minors, Elderly People, Mentally/Physically Disabled, Victims of a tragic event


Which of these are covered under voter fraud?

1. Impersonation Fraud

2. Buying Votes

3. Duplicate Voting

4. Manipulation or altering of ballots. 

5. Claims of foul play in the outcome of an election.

The correct answer was "Impersonation fraud, Buying votes, Duplicate voting, Manipulation or altering of ballots".

All of these topics are covered under voter fraud except claims of foul play in the outcome of an election. That topic falls under post election claims.


Hydroquinone, Niacinamide, Mercury, Bleach and Glutathione are part of the substances not allowed by Google. True or False? Why?

False. It is only Hydroquinone, Mercury, Bleach and Glutathione. Niacinamide is NOT IN SCOPE as it evens out skin tone only. Watch out for all the terminology! 


IN SCOPE, True or False? Why? 

"UTEP is mandating its students to get vaccinated to stay in school" 

OUT OF SCOPE. Private Individual or Institutions can force people under their jurisdiction. 


Childbirth videos are OUT OF SCOPE as it is within EDSA context. True or False? Why? 

False. IN SCOPE, depiction of blood is still shown 

Who is not a "public figure"?

Individuals who became famous without intent (for example, through victimization, scandals, etc.) 


Calls to action to overturn the results is NOT IN SCOPE. True or False? Why? 

False. This is NOT IN SCOPE. 

A Website offering Green Tea as the ultimate cure for AIDS is allowed. True or False? Why? 

False. Offering or promoting miracle approaches to cure AIDS in lieu of medical attention 

Claims that vaccines contain aborted fetuses are OUT OF SCOPE. True or False? Why?

False/IN SCOPE. To be OUT OF SCOPE, the claim needs to say the vaccine was developed with aborted fetal cells. Difference: Contain vs Developed.  

How can animal hunting be OUT OF SCOPE?
It can be OUT OF SCOPE as long as it does not include graphic images, videos or accounts of physical trauma. 
Negative reviews of public figures, organizations, political parties, celebrities, etc are IN SCOPE for Harassment. True or False, Why? 

False. This is OUT OF SCOPE 


"There was RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD" says Trump!!!" IN SCOPE or NOT IN SCOPE? 

What are the signals you observe? 

IN SCOPE. Using punctuation that amplifies or indicates agreement with the claim. 


Chlorine Dioxide is a miracle mineral solution that helped thousands of Bolivians to recover from COVID. Agree or Disagree? Why? 

Disagree. Chlorine Dioxide is a dangerous substance that some people use to treat various ailments. It is important to combat misinformation so people don't fall into harmful remedies. 


Which of the following claims are IN SCOPE under the Anti-Vaccination label?

1. A claim that the government will force immigrants against their will to participate in the vaccine trials

2. A claim that the vaccine will require boosters to remain effective long-term

3. A claim that the vaccine will euthanize certain parts of the population as part of a depopulation agenda.

1. A claim that the government will force immigrants against their will to participate in the vaccine trials

3. A claim that the vaccine will euthanize certain parts of the population as part of a depopulation agenda.


Depictions of Saliva, Urine, Feces, Tears and Sweat are bodily fluids that are IN SCOPE. True or False? Why?

Only Urine and Feces from that list are IN SCOPE. The others are allowed as long as their presentations are not graphic. 


When the target of abuse is a Public Figure, which of the following fall under the scope of the Harassment label?

1. Threat 

2. Harassment

3. Mild Harassment

1. Threat 


Explain the difference between these two statements:

1. "Donald Trump can still win the election" It's not over yet. Donate now."

2. "Sign the petition to overturn the election results. Sign now." 

After explaining, tell us which one is IN SCOPE and which one is NOT IN SCOPE. 

Example 1 IN SCOPE

Example 2 OUT OF SCOPE

Differences are that one is asking for money, the other one just asking for signatures. The answer can differ as long as it is explained. 


How Many Tags in these statement?

"Monkeypox is to cover up the fact that the Covid-19 vaccine causes AIDS" 

2. HHC and Anti-VAX


"Official Documents suggest Monkey-pox is a cover-up for damage done to the Immune System by COVID vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection." 


IN SCOPE. Claims Monkeypox is caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. 
It is IN SCOPE to have more than 10% of the words on a page profane or obscene. True or False? Why?

False. It has to be more than 20% of the words.