Misc. parts of speech
Misc. parts of speech

What is a noun?

Person, place or thing 


What is a verb?

a word to decribe an action, state or occurrence


What is a preposition?

A word governing & usually proceeding a noun or pronoun. Shows location, direction or time. 


Give me an example of an interjection



What is the difference between a common and a proper noun?

Common nouns are a general person, place or thing. 

Ex: mother, beach, computer

Proper nouns are specific. Ex: Alexis, Samara, Apple computer 

What's the difference between action and stative verbs?

Action verbs: show an action ex: run, talk

Stative verbs: show a condition or state of being not likely to change. ex:love, hate, prefer 


What is a pronoun?

A pronoun replaces a noun and can function by itself. 

Ex: he, she, it, I, we, you, they 


What is a superlative adjective?

Used to describe something at the upper or lower limit. 

Ex; best, worst, most, tallest etc. 


What is a countable noun?

a count noun is a noun that can be counted. It can be singular or plural.

Ex: apples, pears, cats, tables

What is an adverb?

A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, a verb or another adverb. 

Ex: Dave is running quickly!

Pam is really excited. 

Danielle is running very quickly!


What is an adjective?

Describes or modifies a noun. Ex: Big, red, beautiful


What is the difference in definite and indefinite articles?

Definite: THE 

Give an example

Indefinite: A/AN 

Give an example


What is a non-count noun?

A non-count noun is a noun that cannot be counted, cannot be plural (with s) 

Ex: fruit, rice, furniture


What is an auxiliary verb?

A verb that adds functional or grammatical meaning to the sentence so it's always followed by a "root or base" verb. Also called helping verbs. 

Ex: Do, have, be

Ex: She doesn't like ice-cream. He hasn't been to Italy. Does she have a brother? She has seen a lot lately.


What is an interjection?

Word or expression that occurs as an utterance on it's own and expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction. 

What is your favorite?


What is an article?

defines a noun as specific or unspecific. 

Ex: A/an, the


What is a gerund?

A gerund is a verb that functions like a noun or is acting like a noun. 

Ex: Teaching is good for your health!


What is a modal verb?

a helping verb that expresses recommendation, advice or possibility. 

Ex: must, shall, should, might, would, could, may


What is a conjunction?

Connects words, phrases or clauses. 

What is FANBOYS? 


What is the difference between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions?

Conj: join independent clauses and can stand alone.

Ex: I walked my dog and fed my cat.

Subj: has 2 functions, joins and shows a relationship.

I am tired because I didn't sleep all night.