Greek Warfare & Go Yotes!
Sparta & Athens
Greco-Persian Wars & New England Patriots Trivia
Peloponnesian War
Ancient Greek Culture and Society & US History Review

What is a Greek soldier called and why is he called that?

Hoplite due to shield the Hoplon.


Who wrote a funeral oration for dead Athenian soldiers during the Peloponnesian War? What points does the speech make about the importance and uniqueness of Athens?

Pericles; speech talks about why Athens is unique and important and includes praises for the nature of democracy, the willingness of Athens to be open to outsiders. It also speaks about why Athens should be a model for other Greek city-states because of these things.


By how much were the Patriots losing to the Atlanta Falcons during the 2017 before they came back to win the Super Bowl in overtime?

25 points (down 28-3 with about 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter)


What are the two sides of the war? Which city-states led them? What was each of their strengths at the onset of the war? What treaty did they agree to in between the Greco-Persian Wars that was broken at the start of the war?

Delian League (Athens) whose strength was warfare at sea and Peloponnesian League (Sparta) whose strength was land combat; 30 Years Peace (that did last 30 years)


Name 5 wars in American history

Possible answers:

French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican American War, Civil War, Spanish American War, World Wars 1 & 2, Cold War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Iraq War

What is a Greeks:

1) long and short sword called?

2) battle formation called?

3) Lightly-armored soldier called (oftentimes city-states would make slaves this type of soldier)?

1. Kopius; Xiphos

2. Phalanx

3. Psiloi

Who were the Spartan "Gerousia?" How many were there? What qualifications did one have to have to be in this group?

Wealthy Spartan political group that made laws and chose Sparta's two kings. Qualifications included wealth and being over the age of 60 years.

Who was the Persian and Athenian commanders at Marathon? In what year did the battle happen? Who won and how? Why is this battle called the Battle of Marathon?

Datis & Miltiades; 490 BCE; Datis split his army up to attack by sea and Miltiades seized the opportunity and attacked near the shore. After defeating the soldiers on land, Miltiades rushed back to Athens, arriving just before the Persians. Greeks also had heavily armored troops who proved difficult for the Persians to neutralize. Called the Battle of Marathon because the Athenians sent a runner to Sparta (and Athens) to warn of impending danger.

How did the war begin?

Corcyra asked Athens to assist in defending itself from Corinth, a Spartan ally and member of the Peloponnesian League. Since Corinth rivaled Athens in naval power and with the Athenian "empire" growing across the Aegean Sea, Athens agreed; Corinth then asked Sparta to declare war on Athens and Sparta agreed.


What is a:

1) Democracy?

2) Oligarchy?

3) Monarchy?

Rule by the many;

Rule by a few (usually wealthy);

Rule by one (or in Sparta's case, two) - sometimes limited by tradition or a constitution


Who is the Arizona Coyotes current leading:

1) Goal scorer in the 2023-2024 season?

2) Points leader in the 2023-2024 season?

Clayton Keller and Clayton Keller


Describe Spartan society:

1) What did the city-state value above all else?

2) When were boys taken to train for the military and what was their life like beforehand?

3) What was unique for girls and women in Sparta?

4) How did Sparta treat trade and foreigners?

1) strength and might

2) 7 years old; they were pampered beforehand

3) women had a public education and could own property and sometimes a lot of wealth in Sparta

4) Sparta didn't trade and instead stole and conquered for prosperity; they were closed off to foreigners and suspicious of them


Who caught the game-winning interception in the 2015 Super Bowl when the Patriots defeated the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 in Arizona?

CB Malcolm Butler


Describe the 1st "stage" of the war; what was Athens initial plan? What was Spartas? Who "won" this stage and why?

Pericles sent the Athenian navy to attack Sparta's allies around the coast. He had all Athenian residents in Attica evacuate behind Athens' walls to provide safety. Sparta sent their army directly at Athens to attack but they found no army to fight. Pericles' plan failed due to a plague which infected and killed roughly 1/3rd of Athenian residents, including Pericles. Athens eventually abandoned the plan and attempted to fight Sparta directly.


Who was the Greek ideal for women? What specifically did she do to exhibit ideal Greek character traits? Likewise, what is the Greek virtues for women?

Penelope; remained loyal to Odysseus while performing tasks like managing the household and sewing; Greek virtues for women: loyalty, managing household, obeying husband, having and raising children to embody Greek virtues


What was the Greek naval vessel called? What was its source of power? What was the strength of this ship and how did it function for the soldiers on board?

Trireme; Oarsmen; it was fast (9mph); functioned in an organized way to due training and use of rhythm and music


What is a "tyrannos?" Give examples and what they did to greatly impact their city states.

Translates to "tyrant;" someone who takes power in a Greek city-state in order to transform the political process and prevent revolution. Solon and Peisistratus were Athenian tyrants who had reforms that led to democracy including the creation of a jury system and assembly for public vote. Social transformation also included new class systems and economic laws to facilitate and encourage trade.

Who was the MVP of the Patriots 2019 Super Bowl win over the Los Angeles Rams?

WR Julian Edelman


What happened during the 2nd and 3rd stages of the war? Who was the controversial figure who defected from both sides during the war? How was he related to Pericles?

Sicilian Expedition - 2/3rds of Athenian navy destroyed during disastrous expedition to conquer Spartan ally of Syracuse on island of Sicily

Ionian Revolt: last stage was marked by attacks on Athenian allies along Aegean Sea and mainland Greece and resulted in Sparta invading, conquering, and destroyed parts of Athens.

Alcibiades; Pericles' adopted nephew

Where did most Greek slaves work? Where was the most dangerous place to work? Who are two examples of Greek slaves and what are they famous for?

Agricultural workers so most worked in fields on farms; most dangerous job was working the silver mines; Aesop (writer) and Pasion (successful businessman) were famous examples of Greek slaves


What happened after a battle? What was a "tropaion?"

Typically, the army would be slaughtered and people taken as slaves; leaders either killed or held for ransom; a tropaion was a monument built by the victorious Greek army on the battlefield of the battle to commemorate fallen soldiers, usually with the items left on the battlefield


Describe how the Athenian Government functioned including:

1) what did Athens value?

2) how did the assembly function and who could participate?

3) what were some positions in the Athenian government and what would they do?

1) Eloquence, knowledge, citizenship, freedom

2) Could vote; 6,000 needed for quorum; citizens (male and Greek) could participate above age of 18

3) 10 strategoi (generals who could speak during the assembly and direct it); Council of 500 (chosen by lot and organized business of the assembly), Archons (presided over festivals and made sure laws were followed - also chosen by lot)


Who were the Greek and Persian commanders at Thermopylae? When was the battle fought? Who won the battle and why? Why is the battle important?

Leonidas and Xerxes; 480 BCE; Persians won due to a Greek traitor revealing a hidden route around the mountain pass; battle is important because the Spartans' last stand provided the Athenians enough time to evacuate from Athens and mount a counterattack where the Greeks would defeat the Persians at the Battle of Salamis (480 BCE)


Why is the war significant for Greece?

Significantly weakened Greece and allowed the Macedonians led by Philip II and Alexander the Great to easily invade and conquer Greece during the 300s BCE


Who was our:

1) 3rd president? (Hint: Louisiana Purchase)

2) Chief Justice during Marbury v. Madison (1803) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832)? (Hint: he was known for "judicial review")

3) Republican Senator from Wisconsin who, in the 1950s, claimed (somewhat correctly) that our government had been infiltrated by communists, yet provided little evidence? (Hint: he clashed with President Eisenhower and ended up tragically dying soon after of liver disease due to alcoholism)

1) Thomas Jefferson

2) John Marshall

3) Joseph McCarthy