Multiple Meaning Words

What are the two meanings of the word "bark?"

1. Tree Bark

2. A dog's bark


"Maria put two pieces of bread inside the oven, but she didn't like to wait, so she decided to watch some TV. Maria was also tired and fell asleep."

What will likely happen next? What makes you think so?

Maria's bread will burn. We know this because bread burns when it's in the oven too long and Maria fell asleep so she wasn't able to take it out of the oven.


I am always on the dinner table, but you don't get to eat me. What am I?

Plates, forks, knives, spoons


The boy ate like a pig at the party

He ate a lot of food


Maria is a chicken

She is scared


What are two meanings of the word "light?"

1. It does not weigh a lot

2. Something that is bright or light in color


"Patrick was riding his bike along the sidewalk were construction work was taking place. He accidentally rode right over a bunch of nails."

What will likely happen next? What makes you think so?

His bike will get flat tires. He rode over nails which will put a hole in the tire causing the air to come out.


What has to be broken before you use it?

An egg


Emily sings like a bird

She can sing well and beautifully


Life is a rollercoaster

Life is full of ups and downs


What are two meanings of the word "pitcher?"

1. A container with a drink in it

2. A baseball pitcher


"Mark drank some milk before going to bed, but forgot to put it back in the fridge. In the morning, he went to make his favorite cereal."

What will likely happen next? What makes you think so?

He will be upset because he can't make his cereal with sour milk. Milk spoils by going sour after hours without refrigeration.


What has hands and a face, but can't hold anything or smile?

A clock


The little girl sleeps like a log

She is sleeping very well


I am drowning in work

I have a lot of work to do


What are two meanings of the word "trip?"

1. To fall

2. To go on vacation


"Jim's mom has a small table where she likes to keep her glass collectables. One day, Jim was playing with his dog and hit the table really hard."

What will likely happen next? What makes you think so?

The glass collectables will fall on the floor and break. They will fall to the floor because the table was hit hard, and glass breaks easily.


What gets wet as it dries?

A towel

My grandma is as sweet as honey

She is very sweet, friendly, and kind


The classroom was a zoo

The kids are acting crazy


What are two meanings of the word "patient?"

1. A patient at the doctor's office

2. To be patient, to wait


"Meg's school alarm rang and woke her up. She started coughing again and her nose was runny. Her mother took her temperature which read 101 degrees."

What will likely happen next? What makes you think so?

Meg will stay in bed, not go to school and maybe see a doctor. She is too sick to go to school. She has a high temperature, is coughing, and has a runny nose.


Which month of the year has 28 days?

All of them


My mom is as busy as a bee getting ready for the holidays.

She has a lot to do. Very busy and active


I am feeling blue today

I feel sad