What animal is known as man's best friend?
What is Dog?
True or False: Are both remote and in-person CASP 101 days mandatory?
What's the game played in Squid Game?
Red Light, Green Light
Who was the Geisel Library named after?
Who is Dr. Seuss?
What is the tallest animal?
What is giraffe?
Yes or No: Do you need to meet up with your College Academic Advisor and CPL quarterly?
Who is the main character in Stranger Things?
Who is Eleven?
What do you use to register for classes and view class schedule?
What is WebReg?
What kind of fish is Nemo?
What is clownfish?
What does CASP stand for?
What is Chancellor's Associate Scholars Program?
According to Phineas and Ferb, how many days of summer vacation are there?
What is 104 days?
Where can a student get college advice from?
Where is Virtual Advising Center (VAC)?
What do you call a baby sheep?
What is lamb?
Where is the CASP office located?
Where is Center Hall, Third Floor?
What movie has a wildcat mascot?
What is High School Musical?
Rumored that if you walk under it backward with your eyes closed, holding your breath, you get good grades
What is Sun God?