Four youth group students. (other than ones that ride here with you)
Who are...
Romans 3:23
What makes all fall short of God's glorious standard?
What is all have sinned
The name of this game.
What is Jeopardy?
Personal goals and these are what we are posting on our youth room wall.
And Share one of your two goals for this spring.
What are spiritual goals?
I called Jesus, "the Lamb of God"
John chapter 1 (specific verse gets double)
John the Baptist
Romans 6:23
Sin's earnings, the gift, and the giver
(writing the whole verse might be best)
What are: wages of sin = death, but gift of God is eternal life?
Our 66 book long Bible has 39 of those books in the Old Testament and this many in the New Testament
What is 66 - 39 = 27?
Final Jeopardy Category
Not Quite New Years Resolutions
The names of two of Jesus' disciples from John Chapter 1
(a specific verse for each gets you double points)
Who are
Nathanael (v.45-49)
Phillip (v.43-44)
Cephas/Simon Peter (v.40-42)
Andrew (v.40)
Romans 5:8
This is what happened while we were still sinners.
What is, "Christ died for us"?
What are 66 books?
Daily Double:
You must declare a wager first. (you may chose to wager 0)
Your maximum wager is 1,000 or your current total of points (whichever is highest)
Pay close attention:
We are baptizing the most people now according to John 4:1,2
Romans 10:9-10
How one is saved
What is by confessing with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead?
What Book of the Bible is the ROMANS Road to salvation found in?
When is ROMANS?