Conspiracies and Even Stranger Things
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Don't get spooked!
Alternative Reality
Name that (Fictional) Killer!

This conspiracy theory is also named "New World Order conspiracy theory" (NWO)

What is The Illuminati?


Looking into the eyes of this women results in your demise.

Who is Medusa?


This game released in 2014, with several horror mascots inspired off of Chuck E. Cheese with the main character having an identifiable laugh.

What is Five Nights at Freddy's?

This is the meaning behind the acronym ARG.

What is Alternative reality game?


This ginger-haired doll becomes a vicious killer after a serial killer haunts the toy.

Who is Chucky? (Child's Play)


This app went up in controversy and popularity after a group of people found a body bag at one of the locations they were sent to.

What is Randonautica?


The most important rule of these creatures: Never feed them after Midnight.

What is a Gremlin?


This word is used to described Copy and Pasted horror text and stories.

What is Creepypasta?


This video game inspired off of the famous hip-hop rapper Kayne West contained a secret ARG that could be activated by saying the word "Ascend" to an in-game NPC. 

What is Kanye Quest 3030?


This killer wheres a notable white mask along with a large black robe.

Who is Ghostface? (Scream)


This kids place was accused of using leftover pizza in their orders before being debunked a few years later.

What is Chuck E. Cheese?


Where did the line "HERE'S JOHNNY!" originate from?

What is The Shining? (1980)


This horror video game features a purple Furby like creature with a horrific Mama.

What is Tattletail?


This online pet-collecting game with a dark secret follows a protagonist named Paul.

What is Petscop?


This killer can only haunt his victims in the their dreams.

Who is Freddy Krueger? (A Nightmare on Elm Street)


This member of the Beatles had a conspiracy made about him where he had supposedly been replaced with a lookalike.

Who is Paul? (Paul is dead theory)


Where did Michael Myers get his iconic mask from?

What is Nichol's Hardware Store?


In this game, it is recommended you collect pages, before you die. It is also inspired off of a Creepypasta

What is Slender: The Eight Pages


This ARG with a type of bug in it's name posted on 4Chan where users had to solve 3 different difficult puzzles. The theorized reward was being able to join this group of people.

What is Cicada 3301?


This character takes his victim's hostage and creates complex challenges and machines to put their survival skills to the test.

Who is John Kramer? (Saw)


The Netflix series "Stranger Things" may have been inspired off of this conspiracy theory, in which it accuses the government of doing several projects just for the purpose of psychological warfare. 

What is the Montauk Project Conspiracy Theory?


This person was the author of the 1974 horror novel, "Jaws"

Who is Peter Benchley?


This person created the "Ben Drowned" Creepypasta 

Who is Alex Hall?


This ARG was considered to be the first ARG to date.

What is The Beast?

This psychopathic character has a total of 11 kills, and he is also an American.

Who is Patrick Bateman? (American Psycho)