
When a student is rushed to the hospital to get stitches on the back of his head. 

What is what happens when you lean back in your chair?


The best way to get attention from a teacher. 

What is raise your hand?


When it is time for unplugged time.

What is get the materials you need and go back to your seat. 

What is get materials and go to The Nook or The Writers Desk.


Go directly to your seat, begin working on the Daily Drive, get materials ready for first period while not talking. 

What we do first when we get to school?


The third planet from the sun.

What is earth?


Huddle up in the corner when an emergency alarm sounds. 

What is shelter in place?


In 2023 a group of students were seated at a table with their teacher. The students began talking loudly and off task. The teacher was unable to complete the lesson. 

What is follow table rules?

What is no talking off task at the table?

What is keep voices low?


In 2022 a student in New Mexico kept trying to trip another student in line. We prevent this by __ 

What is keeping your hands and feet to yourself?

The most important thing to do at lunch when you are finished eating. 

What is raise your hand to throw away trash?

What is Begin reading your book?


An appropriate time to talk with friends and other students.

What is going for a walk?


Lining up, walk outside away from the building when the alarm rings.

What is fire drill?


In some countries teachers are considered respected community members. In the United States we also show respect when addressing a teacher. 

What is calling teachers by their title and name?


Sometimes students disagree with their teacher. This may happen when the teacher corrects the student. In the middle school room the problem is handled - 

What is pause and talk in a respectful tone?


The door we use when exiting the room. 

What is the door by Mrs. Vega's desk?


An area to read in relaxing seating while not talking.  

What is The Nook?

In line outside during a fire drill students must do this.

What is no talking?

What is stay in line?

What is follow directions?


The earliest known use of the word polite is in the Middle English period (1150—1500). The best way to respond when someone helps you or hands you something. 

What is thank you?


Taking students to the restroom may be part of our day. The best way to do this is- 

What is stay in line, walk on the right, and keep your hands and feet to self. 


The expectation that require us to complete our assignments, improve our grades, and staying on task. 

What is responsible?


The fairy tale that tells the story of a girl that is forced work for her sisters and her first name is Ella. 

What is Cinderella?


The correct way to walk down the hallway. 

What is stay to the right?

What is no talking?

What is hands to self?


The most appropriate way to interrupt a conversation.  

What is excuse me?


What we do when enter the room.

What is go directly to your seat without talking?


The expectation that asks us to talk to others in a low voice, politely, and courteous.  

What is respectful?


This occurs when one astronomical object such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another one. 

What is an eclipse?