I need my meds fixed
Unusual Syndromes
Its all about talking and testing
Lets shock 'em all!!!
I love research
Aripiprazole and Buspirone
What are the two commonly used partial agonists in psychiatry?
Cotards' Delusion
A nihilistic delusional belief that a person is themselves dead, dying or putrefying, and losing all internal organs
What encompass the cognitive triad
Negative thoughts about self, others/world, future
Name one absolute contraindication for ECT treatment
This study design provides the highest level of scientific evidence
Met-analysis/systematic reviews of RCTs
Taking this medication will double the blood levels of Lamotrigine
Alien Hand Syndrome
Alien hand syndrome is the misattribution and belief that one's hand does not belong to oneself, but that it has its own life. The afflicted person has normal sensation but believes that the hand, while still being a part of their body, is acting autonomously, having "a will of its own."Alien hand syndrome is usually caused by stroke or other brain damage, particularly in the areas of the corpus callosum, or frontal or parietal lobes.
Type of conditioning that governs future responses in PTSD experiences
Classical conditioning
This psychiatric condition has the earliest and quickest response requiring the minimum number of treatments
Catatonia - Usually responds in 3-5 treatments
DSM-III disorder prevalence in the US was determined by this study
Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) Study
Three FDA approved treatments for acute Bipolar Depression monotherapy
Quetiapine, Quetiapine XR, Lurasidone, Fluoxetine/Olanzapine
Reduplicative Paramnesia
Reduplicative paramnesia consists of the delusional belief that a place or location has been duplicated, in that it exists in 2 or more places simultaneously, or that it has been 'relocated' to another site. Organic cause such as in dementia
Short term dynamic psychotherapy focuses on this technique
Problem solving focus
Three motor disorders that respond to ECT
Catatonia, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Parkinson's disorder
Measures of Central tendency (3) and measures of Dispersion (3)
Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of variance
These two drugs have shown good benefit when used in Lithium induced nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
Amiloride and HCTZ (Also helps decrease lithium clearance by 50% helping decrease in dose to limit toxicity)
a form of sexual fetishism whereby the person without amputation has a strong erotic interest in people who are missing limbs
Which test is best used to assess the personality and emotional characteristics of a patient
Rorschach Inkblot test
Two Lithium effects on ECT
Can prolong action of succinylcholine causing delayed recovery and also decrease seizure threshold causing prolonged seizure
Name and define what is the inverse of Absolute risk reduction
Number Needed to Treat
This race and HLA type increase risk of Steven Johnson's syndrome in Carbamazepine use
Asian race with HLA-B*1502
Lima syndrome
Exact opposite of Stockholm syndrome. In this case, hostage-takers or victimizers become sympathetic to the wishes and needs of the hostages or victims. The name comes from a 1996 Japanese embassy hostage crisis in Lima, Peru.
A 4 year old child in preschool noted to have developmental delay, congenital hearing impairment and delayed language development would be most appropriate for this IQ test
Leiter International Performance scale
4 phases of ictal EEG
1. A build up of energy 2. High voltage spike and slow wave activity 3. Runs of lower voltage slow waves 4. End and followed by electrical silence
A new test designed for ADHD in adults when seen by colleagues of developers for comment, was reported that the test would not fulfill its objective. This reports that the test has low
Face validity