Agile ceremonies
TV Sitcoms
Iconic movies, directors, and film quotes

At the beginning of each sprint, the team meets to plan the work that will be executed during the sprint. 

What is Sprint Planning?


The iconic coffee shop in the sitcom "Friends where the main characters Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe often hang out

What is Central Perk?


The thing kids says when they walk from door to door to collect candy

What is Trick or Treat?


Traditional Italian dish made from durum wheat and is typically served with sauce and sometimes stuffed with ingredients like cheese or meats.

What is pasta?


Steven Spielberg movie from 1993, which won three Academy Awards including Best Picture, brought dinosaurs to life with groundbreaking special effects.

What is "Jurassic Park"?


A quick daily meeting where each team member briefly discusses what they worked on the previous day, what they plan to work on today, and any blockers they are facing 

What is Daily Stand-up (Daily Scrum)


The longest-running American sitcom with over 30 seasons

What is The Simpsons?


The vegetable that are used to carve creepy faces into

What is a pumpkin?


Popular Indian dish which is made by marinating meat typically in yogurt and spices and then cooking it in a tandoor

What is Tandoori Chicken?


Steven Spielberg film from 1975 featuring a giant great white shark with the famous line, "You're gonna need a bigger boat."

What is "Jaws"?


At the end of each sprint, this meeting is held to review what was completed and what wasn’t. The development team demonstrates the work they have done.

What is Sprint Review?


The names of the two main characters from The Big Bang Theory who are also roommates and physicists

Who are Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter?


The traditional colors of Halloween

What is black and orange?


Japanese dish which consists of vinegared rice combined with various ingredients such as seafood (often raw), vegetables, and sometimes tropical fruits

What is Sushi?


Romantic drama set during World War II featured the iconic line, "Here's looking at you, kid."

What is "Casablanca"?


After the sprint review and before the next sprint planning, this meeting is held to reflect on the past sprint. 

What is Sprint Retrospective?


A sitcom that is about the everyday lives of office employees working at Dunder Mifflin's Scranton, PA branch

What is The Office?


The day it is Halloween

31. October


Flaky and light pastry known for its layers of butter and dough and is often enjoyed at breakfast in France

What is a croissant


Film by Francis Ford Coppola from 1972 included the memorable line, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

What is "The Godfather"?


Though not officially a Scrum ceremony, many teams find it valuable to regularly refine their backlog. This involves adding new details to backlog items, estimating efforts, and prioritizing tasks.

What is Backlog Refinement?


The address of the Simpson family in the animated sitcom "The Simpsons"

What is 742 Evergreen Terrace?


The title of the horror movie based on Stephen Kings 1986 novel with the dancing clown Pennywise in the lead

What is "it"


Traditional rice dish from Valencia, which is often made with saffron, vegetables, chicken, and seafood

What is Paella?


He is known for his suspenseful psychological thrillers which includes "Psycho," "Rear Window," and "The Birds."

Who is Alfred Hitchcock?