Sentences, Fragments, &
Semicolons, Colons, &
Sensory Details
Context Clues
Determine the
Main Idea
Authors Purpose

Which is a sentence fragment?

A.  Hobbled across the court, leaning on the coach for support.

B.  The presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba contributed to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

A.  Hobbled across the court, leaning on the coach for support.

Hobbled across the court, leaning on the coach for support is a sentence fragment. It is missing a subject.



It must have been quite time-consuming for a woman to get dressed in the 1800s. Everyday clothing for women __ stockings, undergarments, a corset, a gown, a cap, and a shawl.

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

D.  None needed

There is a list, but it is not introduced by an independent clause, so you should not add a colon or any other punctuation.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a taste.

Carly's little sister Rebecca was the only student in her class who hadn't yet lost a single tooth. Rebecca's best friend had already lost three! But Rebecca had been wiggling her left front tooth for days, and now it was loosening. She pushed the tooth hard with her tongue. It popped out onto the table, and the faintly metallic flavor of blood filled her mouth. Hurray! Now her name would be written on the tooth chart, too.

A.  But Rebecca had been wiggling her left front tooth for days, and now it was loosening.

B.  She pushed the tooth hard with her tongue.

C.  It popped out onto the table, and the faintly metallic flavor of blood filled her mouth.

C.  It popped out onto the table, and the faintly metallic flavor of blood filled her mouth.

The detail faintly metallic flavor is something the reader can imagine tasting.


Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word nonchalant.

The first suspect was nonchalant as she sauntered into the interrogation room for questioning. "Where were you on the night of June 13, 2013? "Detective Martin asked her. Unconcerned, she responded, "I was the keynote speaker at an event that night, and several hundred people who were in attendance can corroborate my alibi."

A.  sauntered

B.  unconcerned

C.  alibi

B.  unconcerned

The synonym unconcerned helps you understand the meaning of nonchalant.


Read the passage.

Blooms in Death Valley

In March 2016, Death Valley National Park in California experienced a rare occurrence: thousands of yellow wildflowers covered the region in a "super bloom." Why was this unusual? Death Valley is the hottest and driest place in North America. The area's average yearly precipitation is just two inches, making it a challenging place for flowers to grow. However, in October 2015, the valley had received more than three inches of rain in some areas. As a result of the unusually wet season, wildflower seeds that had been lying dormant underground suddenly began to grow, producing an abundance of golden blooms.  

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  Because of the hot, dry conditions in Death Valley, it is difficult for flowers to grow there.

B.  Because of an unusual amount of rain, thousands of wildflowers grew in Death Valley in 2016.

B.  Because of an unusual amount of rain, thousands of wildflowers grew in Death Valley in 2016.

Notice the phrase as a result of. It suggests that the main idea involves a cause and its effect. 


Read the text.

Native to North America, the common loon is named for the awkward way it waddles on land. Lakes and ponds are its natural habitat: loons are waterfowl, like ducks and geese. In summer, the adult common loon has an iridescent black head, a black bill, and a white band around its neck. Its back is checkered with black and white feathers, while its belly is white. In winter, the loon's bill fades to gray. Its winter plumage is gray on the back and head, while the breast, belly, and wings are white. Newly hatched chicks are covered with dark brown downy feathers.

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to persuade readers to go bird-watching
B.  to describe the common loon

B.  to describe the common loon

Which is a sentence fragment?

A.  Is an expert at distinguishing safe mushrooms from poisonous ones.

B.  Aesop's fables present important life lessons, often in a humorous way.

A.  Is an expert at distinguishing safe mushrooms from poisonous ones.

Is an expert at distinguishing safe mushrooms from poisonous ones is a sentence fragment. It is missing a subject.



When the Pattons purchased their home, it needed a new roof ___ new siding and windows ___  a new electrical system ___ and new plumbing.

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

C.  comma (,)

No items in the series contain commas, so you should complete the sentence with commas.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a sound.

I love visiting my grandmother's house, except for one thing. She lives right under the flight path of the international airport. The large planes flying overhead shriek and rumble, making so much noise that I can't think straight until they've gone. The funny thing is that even though I find it irritating, Grandma and my little sister, Elise, always get excited when the planes pass over us.

A.  She lives right under the flight path of the international airport.

B.  The large planes flying overhead shriek and rumble, making so much noise that I can't think straight until they've gone.

C.  The funny thing is that even though I find it irritating, Grandma and my little sister, Elise, always get excited when the planes pass over us.

B.  The large planes flying overhead shriek and rumble, making so much noise that I can't think straight until they've gone.

The detail shriek and rumble is something the reader can imagine hearing.


What is the meaning of the word nonchalant as used in the passage?  

The first suspect was nonchalant as she sauntered into the interrogation room for questioning. "Where were you on the night of June 13, 2013?" Detective Martin asked her. Unconcerned, she responded, "I was the keynote speaker at an event that night, and several hundred people who were in attendance can corroborate my alibi."

A.  appearing innocent
B.  unpredictable
C.  calm and tranquil

C.  calm and tranquil

Read the passage.

Human Activity and Earthquakes

When Americans think of earthquakes, they tend to think of California, a state known for its frequent seismic activity. In recent years, however, people in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas have been feeling the ground shake more often. An increase in oil and gas drilling in these states has led to "human-induced" earthquakes—those resulting from human activity. When wastewater is disposed of during gas and oil drilling, the water is forced deep underground. The resulting buildup of pressure can cause fault lines (cracks in the earth's crust) to shift. According to Mark Petersen, head of the U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake hazard mapping project, "In the past five years, the USGS has documented high shaking and damage in areas of these six states, mostly from induced earthquakes."

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  Residents of six U.S. states have experienced an increase in earthquake activity in recent years.
B.  An increase in oil and gas drilling has caused a corresponding increase in earthquakes in six states.
B.  An increase in oil and gas drilling has caused a corresponding increase in earthquakes in six states.

Notice the phrase led to "human-induced" earthquakes. It suggests that the main idea involves a cause and its effect. Here, the main idea is that drilling has led to, or caused, more earthquakes.


Read the text.

I was very concerned by the school board's recent announcement that lunch breaks will be shortened next year. This may seem like a good idea now, but in the long run it will only hurt students. The current lunch break gives students a chance to exercise and breathe fresh air. More importantly, it lets them take a break from their hard work. Shorter lunches don't give students enough time for a real break. For the sake of all students, contact the school board today and let them know that breaks matter!

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to persuade readers to speak out against shorter lunch breaks
B.  to inform readers about why lunch breaks are being shortened
A.  to persuade readers to speak out against shorter lunch breaks

Which is a run-on sentence?

A.  The Blakes make homemade apple cider with their cider press.

B.  Let's spruce up this room, new drapes would be an improvement.

B.  Let's spruce up this room, new drapes would be an improvement.

Let's spruce up this room, new drapes would be an improvement is a run-on sentence. It has two independent clauses that are joined by just a comma.  This is a comma splice.



You can try several things to speed up your computer ___ add more RAM, run a memory-cleaning application, check the antivirus software, and delete any unnecessary auto-start programs.

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

B.  colon (:)

There is a list introduced by an independent clause, so you should complete the sentence with a colon.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a sight.

Every Saturday, Juan searches the beach near his house for interesting objects. Starting after breakfast, he walks back and forth on the sand. He usually finds shells and stones, but sometimes he comes across other unusual things. He particularly prizes sea glass because he loves its frosted green appearance. He puts what he finds in a shoebox that he keeps on a shelf in his bedroom.

A.  Every Saturday, Juan searches the beach near his house for interesting objects.

B.  He usually finds shells and stones, but sometimes he comes across other unusual things.

C.  He particularly prizes sea glass because he loves its frosted green appearance.

C.  He particularly prizes sea glass because he loves its frosted green appearance.

The detail frosted green appearance is something the reader can imagine seeing.


Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word pertain.

Tim is studying veterinary medicine at university, so he often reads books and magazines that pertain to animal health issues. Articles that relate to the latest medications and treatments available for horses are of particular interest to him, since he plans to be an equine veterinarian—a vet who specializes in the care of horses.

A.  relate

B.  interest

C.  specializes

A.  relate

The synonym relate helps you understand the meaning of pertain.


Read the passage.

Eat Carrots, See Better?

Carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A and are good for general eye health. However, carrots will not improve night vision. That myth goes back to British propaganda during World War II. In 1940, the German Luftwaffe, or air force, began bombing Britain at night. In response, the British government ordered people to turn off their lights; the government wanted to make it difficult for German pilots to hit their targets. A new technology, radar, allowed the British air force to track and shoot down the German planes without light. To keep the technology secret, the government told the media that their pilots could see the German planes because they consumed so many carrots. Consequently, people began to believe that eating carrots would help them see better in the dark.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  During World War II, the British government told the media that their pilots ate a lot of carrots.
B.  Because of a British media campaign, people thought that eating carrots would improve their night vision.

B.  Because of a British media campaign, people thought that eating carrots would improve their night vision.

Notice the word consequently. It suggests that the main idea involves a cause and its effect. Here, the main idea is that British propaganda caused people to mistakenly believe that eating carrots would improve their ability to see in the dark.


Read the text.

Named after Gustave Coriolis, a nineteenth-century mathematician, the Coriolis effect is caused by Earth's rotation. As wind and ocean currents move across Earth's surface, the planet itself is rotating from west to east. As a result, the currents appear to travel along a curved path instead of a straight one. Wind and water currents traveling from the equator toward the poles bend eastward, while currents traveling from the poles toward the equator bend westward. The Coriolis effect explains why hurricanes spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to convince readers that the Coriolis effect is real
B.  to introduce readers to the Coriolis effect
B.  to introduce readers to the Coriolis effect

Which is a complete sentence?

A.  I ordered the shrimp it was served on a bed of shredded lettuce.

B.  Most astronomers concentrate on a particular area of astronomy, such as solar astronomy or the formation of galaxies.

B.  Most astronomers concentrate on a particular area of astronomy, such as solar astronomy or the formation of galaxies.

Most astronomers concentrate on a particular area of astronomy, such as solar astronomy or the formation of galaxies is a complete sentence. The subject is most astronomers, and the verb is concentrate.



The vision center offers a complete range of optical services and products, including routine eye exams ___ contact lenses ___ a large selection of fashionable and affordable frames ___ and industrial safety eyewear.

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

C.  comma (,)

No items in the series already contain commas, so you should complete the sentence with commas.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes how something feels to the touch.

Bernard was starting his new job at the health clinic. On his first day of work, Dr. Barnett told Bernard how to clean the equipment. The instruments had to be sterilized in water that was so scalding hot that Bernard couldn't pick them up—even with gloves on—until they cooled. According to Dr. Barnett, sterilization was necessary to make sure the equipment didn't pass infections from one patient to another.

A.  Bernard was starting his new job at the health clinic.

B.  On his first day of work, Dr. Barnett told Bernard how to clean the equipment.

C.   The instruments had to be sterilized in water that was so scalding hot that Bernard couldn't pick them up—even with gloves on—until they cooled.

C.  The instruments had to be sterilized in water that was so scalding hot that Bernard couldn't pick them up—even with gloves on—until they cooled.

The detail scalding hot is something the reader can imagine touching or feeling.


What is the meaning of the word pertain as used in the passage?

Tim is studying veterinary medicine at university, so he often reads books and magazines that pertain to animal health issues. Articles that relate to the latest medications and treatments available for horses are of particular interest to him, since he plans to be an equine veterinarian—a vet who specializes in the care of horses.

A.  to fit together
B.  to have similar opinions
C.  to have to do with

C.  to have to do with

In the passage, the use of the synonym relate helps you determine that pertain means to have to do with.


Read the passage.

To Stand or Not to Stand?

In 2016, Vallecito Elementary School in San Rafael, California, became the first U.S. school to replace all of its ordinary desks with raised desks that students stand at. Speaking to a reporter from TIME for Kids magazine, one student at the school gave the standing desks high praise. "You feel happier, you're less tired, and you're more active," she said. According to several studies, children working at standing desks burn more calories and are more focused on tasks. However, some teachers and parents are opposed to the change. They are concerned that standing for long periods of time could cause fatigue, strain on the legs and feet, or posture problems. In addition, standing desks are more expensive than seated desks. Only time will tell whether standing desks will prove to be the next big trend or a failed experiment.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new desks.
B.  Studies have shown that standing desks help students focus on their schoolwork while being more active.
A.  Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new desks.

Some details are about the benefits of standing desks. Other details are about possible drawbacks. This suggests that the main idea is the pros and cons of standing desks.


Read the text.

Place four eggs in a large saucepan. Add enough cold water to cover the eggs by one inch. Slowly bring the water to a boil over medium heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the pan from the burner. Cover it and let the eggs sit for about ten minutes. Then drain the water from the pan. You will notice, though, that a hot hard-boiled egg is not easy to peel. To cool the eggs, rinse them with cold water. Then, when you're ready to peel an egg, gently tap it on the counter until the shell cracks.

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to teach readers how to make hard-boiled eggs
B.  to convince readers that making hard-boiled eggs is easy

A.  to teach readers how to make hard-boiled eggs

Which is a complete sentence?

A.  On Saturday nights, the roller skating rink plays disco music.

B.  Oceans cover about seventy percent of the earth they contain about ninety-seven percent of the earth's water.

A.  On Saturday nights, the roller skating rink plays disco music.

On Saturday nights, the roller skating rink plays disco music is a complete sentence. The subject is the roller skating rink, and the verb is plays.



According to Ms. McBride, the best summer theaters are the Stratford Festival in Ontario, Canada ___ the Festival Internacional de Teatro in Caracas, Venezuela ___ and the New York Musical Theatre Festival in New York City.

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

A.  semicolon (;)

One or more of the items in the series already contain commas. Separating the items with commas would be unclear, so you should complete the sentence with semicolons.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes how something feels to the touch.

The satin of her costume felt smooth and soft against Judith's arms and shoulders as she entered the room. Her brother had wanted Judith to come to this costume party dressed as a monster, but Judith had already made other plans. Sewing her princess gown had taken her all night, but the final product was worth the work. Other people might prefer monsters, but Judith wanted to wear a gown and tiara.

A.  The satin of her costume felt smooth and soft against Judith's arms and shoulders as she entered the room.

B.  Her brother had wanted Judith to come to this costume party dressed as a monster, but Judith had already made other plans. 

C.  Sewing her princess gown had taken her all night, but the final product was worth the work.

A.  The satin of her costume felt smooth and soft against Judith's arms and shoulders as she entered the room.

The detail smooth and soft is something the reader can imagine touching or feeling.


Read the passage. Then, select the synonym of the word solace.

After Tony, the junior defensive end on the football team, broke his leg and missed the championship game, he found solace in the realization that he would be able to return in his senior year. The fact that his team won the state championship was also a source of comfort for him.

A.  defensive

B.  realization

C.  comfort

C.  comfort

The synonym comfort helps you understand the meaning of solace.


Read the passage.

April Fools' Days Around the World

April Fools' Day is celebrated around the world, although it varies somewhat from country to country. In the United States, for example, it's a day to play practical jokes. In France, where the holiday is known as Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish, people secretly tape paper fish on their friends' backs. A common April Fools' prank in Portugal is to throw flour on someone; in Scotland, the most popular trick involves sending someone on a useless errand. Denmark celebrates April Fools' Day on April 1, but some people there celebrate again in May. Maj-kat, on May 1, is yet another day for jokes and pranks in the spring.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  Though there are variations in how different countries observe April Fools' Day, the celebrations all involve playing pranks.
B.  On Poisson d'Avril, France's version of what Americans call April Fools' Day, pranksters tape paper fish to people's backs.

A.  Though there are variations in how different countries observe April Fools' Day, the celebrations all involve playing pranks.

All of the details are about days when people play jokes. This suggests that the main idea involves the similarities among the celebrations. The phrase another day for jokes and pranks also suggests this.


Read the text.

Does your shampoo leave your hair dry or damaged? Flat and lifeless? Then Organi-Goo is the shampoo for you! Using only the finest organic ingredients, Organi-Goo gives you stronger, shinier, healthier hair. Organi-Goo's powerful, all-natural formula penetrates the hair shaft to rebuild strength, body, and shine. Every strand of hair is pampered and revitalized when you use Organi-Goo. Are you ready for the best hair of your life? Then try Organi-Goo today!

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to inform readers about the ingredients in Organi-Goo
B.  to persuade readers to buy Organi-Goo
B.  to persuade readers to buy Organi-Goo

Which is a run-on sentence?

A.  Mr. Yamada makes the best homemade waffles with his old-fashioned cast-iron waffle maker.

B.  The Australian man designs yachts, he races them in international events.

B.  The Australian man designs yachts, he races them in international events.

The Australian man designs yachts, he races them in international events is a run-on sentence. It has two independent clauses that are joined by just a comma.  This is a comma splice.



Some seemingly nutritious foods may not actually be very healthy, such as frozen veggie burgers, made with all kinds of chemicals ___ sliced turkey, often loaded with sodium ___ and energy bars, usually laden with sugar. 

A.  semicolon (;)

B.  colon (:)

C.  comma (,)

D.  None needed

A.  semicolon (;)

One or more of the items in the series already contain commas. Separating the items with commas would be unclear, so you should complete the sentence with semicolons.


Select the sentence with a sensory detail that describes a sight.

Last summer, Henry went camping with his cousins in the wilderness. They stayed up late to watch the bright streaks of shooting stars crossing the sky. Henry's aunt explained that they weren't actually stars, but rather meteoroids hitting the earth's atmosphere. The meteoroids were bits of dust and rocks from a comet's trail. Henry hoped he could be an astronomer someday like Aunt Abby.

A.  Last summer, Henry went camping with his cousins in the wilderness.

B.  They stayed up late to watch the bright streaks of shooting stars crossing the sky.

C.  Henry's aunt explained that they weren't actually stars, but rather meteoroids hitting the earth's atmosphere

B.  They stayed up late to watch the bright streaks of shooting stars crossing the sky.

The detail bright streaks of shooting stars is something the reader can imagine seeing.


What is the meaning of the word fraught as used in the passage?

For many species of birds, migration is often a journey fraught with danger. For example, the average songbird may weigh just half an ounce, but this tiny creature travels thousands of miles along routes that are filled with wind turbines, communication towers, buildings, and other potential collision hazards.

A.  full of
B.  demonstrating
C.  resembling
A.  full of

In the passage, the use of the synonym filled helps you determine that fraught means full of.


Read the passage.

AC vs. DC

In the 1880s, the War of the Currents began. Thomas Edison developed direct current, or DC, a type of electricity that flows in one direction. By 1887, DC was in use around the United States. It had some drawbacks, though. Converting it to lower or higher voltages was difficult; that is, the current's force couldn't be changed easily. Transmitted at the low voltage needed for use in homes and businesses, it lost power after traveling only a mile. Meanwhile, Nikola Tesla was working with alternating current, or AC. AC reverses direction many times per second and can be changed to different voltages. At high voltage, it can be transmitted efficiently, traveling hundreds of miles with little energy loss. Because of its advantages, AC triumphed by the end of the nineteenth century.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.  AC reverses direction and can be converted to lower or higher voltage.
B.  AC has distinct advantages over DC, so AC won the War of the Currents.
B.  AC has distinct advantages over DC, so AC won the War of the Currents.

Some details are about the early use of DC. Other details are about the benefits of AC. This suggests that the main idea involves the advantages of AC in the War of the Currents. The title also suggests this.


Read the text.

Slouched at a corner table in a forgotten diner in a quiet part of town, Rick Gordon looks as if he just rolled out of bed. Gordon, who is known as the "difficult one" in the boy band Momentum, is wearing a pair of heavily ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. His black leather jacket looks as if it might have been run over by a bulldozer. A faded straw fedora is pulled low over his forehead, casting a shadow across brown eyes fringed with ridiculously thick eyelashes.

Which author's purpose is suggested by the text?

A.  to convince readers that Rick Gordon is an important musician
B.  to describe Rick Gordon's appearance

B.  to describe Rick Gordon's appearance