Active Listening
Conflict Resolution
Nonverbal Communication
Feedback Delivery

The first step in active listening?

What is to give the speaker your full attention.


A common cause of interpersonal conflict in the workplace?

What is miscommunication, differing goals, or personality clashes 


What percentage of communication is nonverbal?

What is approximately 70-80% of communication is nonverbal.


What are the components of constructive feedback?

What is specificity, clarity, empathy, and actionable suggestions for improvement.


 Define empathy in communication.

What is understanding and sharing the feelings, thoughts, and perspectives of others, demonstrating compassion and sensitivity to their experiences.


 Provide an example of paraphrasing during a conversation.

What is "So what you're saying is..."


Name one strategy for de-escalating a conflict.

What is active listening, seeking common ground, or suggesting a temporary break to cool off.


Give an example of a nonverbal cue that conveys confidence.

What is standing tall, making eye contact, and using assertive body language.


How can you provide feedback without sounding critical?

What is focusing on specific behaviors or actions rather than criticizing the individual personally and by offering feedback in a supportive and constructive manner.


How can you demonstrate empathy in a conversation?

What is actively listening, acknowledging the other person's emotions, and validating their experiences without judgment.


Name one nonverbal cue that indicates active listening.

What is nodding, maintaining eye contact, and leaning forward.


 How can active listening contribute to resolving conflicts?

What is understanding and empathy, helping in conflict express their concerns and reach mutually acceptable solutions.


How can cultural differences influence nonverbal communication?

What is variations in gestures, facial expressions, and personal space preferences.


Describe a situation where feedback helped improve performance.

What is a team member received constructive criticism on their presentation skills and worked on improving their public speaking abilities. 


Describe a scenario where empathy diffused a tense situation.

What is a customer service setting by empathizing with the customer's frustrations and actively working to address their concerns.


How can you show empathy through active listening?

What is acknowledging the speaker's emotions and validating their feelings.


Provide an example of compromising during a conflict resolution process.

What is both parties giving up something to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. For example, agreeing to split the difference on a contentious issue.


 Describe a scenario where misinterpretation of nonverbal cues led to a misunderstanding.

What is where direct eye contact is considered rude, which may be misinterpreted by someone from a culture where eye contact is seen as a sign of respect.


How can you ensure feedback is received positively?

What is delivering it in a timely manner, focusing on constructive criticism rather than personal attacks, and offering praise for strengths alongside areas for improvement.


 Benefits of practicing empathy in interpersonal relationships?

What is improved communication, increased trust, and strengthened emotional connections.


Describe a scenario where active listening helped resolve a conflict.

What is by promoting understanding and empathy, leading to constructive dialogue and problem-solving.


Describe a scenario where assertiveness was necessary to resolve a conflict effectively.

what is where boundaries are violated or when advocating for fair treatment or respect.


Explain the importance of body language in effective communication.

What is convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions, often complementing or contradicting verbal messages.


 Give an example of using the sandwich method for delivering feedback.

What is "I appreciate the effort you put into the project. However, I think there's room for improvement in this area. Overall, you did a great job."


Explain the difference between sympathy and empathy.

What is sympathy involves feeling compassion or pity for someone else's hardships, whereas empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings and experiences of others from their perspective.